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And my heart goes dup dup dup...

Say, if you are married. Do you get a free pass on talking about sex?

My husband will sit up when he will be reading this. Nah. I am not talking about you okeh...

I had a pretty good 'sexy' dream in the weekend. It literally wakened me up with a smile. My husband was a bit suspicious on who the perpetrator is as I am not telling ok. It does involved someone I know. Sadly it is not James McAvoy (that was his first guess) Why, McAvoy? Why not? The thing is, when you had this type of dream, it always involve someone unexpected. Like whoa! I never like him or think about him in 'that' way, but in your dream he's the hero, you are the heroine. Totally weird. I would totally blush when I will see or think about him in the next few days. I will get over it, it is only a dream. *shrugs*

And last night I dreamt I was Blake Lively. Wahahaha! Tak nak kalah okeh. Blake Lively terus. I know I was her because in my dream I was dancing in my underwear in front of the mirror and I was Blake! Of course. If it was my own self in front of the mirror in my undies, that dream would turn into nightmare and I would wake up screaming! Also lepas tu my boyfriend is Hrithik Roshan. Ye. Sila la gelak guling-guling. Kenapakah mimpi aku mesti retarded macam tuh.

Oh, I still dreamt about zombies and aliens and vampires and ghoulies. But nowadays it is also peppered with insane dreams as well. That is fine. Maybe one day McAvoy or McGregor would care to drop in for some very special appearance in one of those insane dreams. Bliss~

And the title of the blog? I was feeling a tad bit like that for the past few days. I can describe it as 'achingly beating'. Not aching as in physical pain though. Nothing to it. It will come to pass.

Can't wait for the end of the week and it is just Monday!


hritnik roshan?



what did you watch before going to bed? layan Kol Mil Gaya and Krrissh on Vaanavil ke?

HAHAHA.. lol
Dils said…
Hahaha. I swore I haven't watched Hindustan movie for months! I don't even like Hrithik that much.
iceroll said…
wahahaha.. hithrik roshan. Nasib baik hithrik, kalo rajinikanth i really can't accept that. hahaha
Anonymous said…
Lucky whoever "him" that was on your dream. HAHAHAHA.

hrithik roshan. urgh. agak retarded gak lah *rofl*

geez...why mr hubby is never a part of it? LOL.
Dils said…
Hahaha.. aku got good taste walaupon in my dreams okeh.

takpe. My hubby got the real deal. Hahaha... Tapi I have a theory that you rarely dreamt about the person you are very close with.
Soraya Zainal said…

*jatuh kerusi*

Blake Lively with Hrithik Roshan?????

Match made in mental asylum?
Anonymous said…
errr..why the theory?

(actually ada "dreamt" bout the person very close with.. but.. nvr got the dupdap lah ;p)
Dils said…
Eh. Kite tataw if Blake would probably like Hithrik kalo jumpa. Hahaha...

Hahaha, because I myself susah nak dream about people I am close to. Happened la, but not that often.

The "dup,dup,dup" mentioned in my post is a different matter from the dreams. Hehe... tapi like I said, always someone unexpected eh when 'dreamt'?


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