Annoying that come Monday, I will always seems to have problem with the connection at office. I have no idea why my computer seems to have this Monday Blues. It annoyed the hell outta me, since I can't open a few things using an alternative connection. Tambah lagi dengan the factor it is a Monday, it just make me feel blah.

Oh yes, on Friday manage to catch a viewing of He's Just Not That Into You. I haven't watched yet Confessions of a Shopaholic and was also insulted that they changed British Becky to an American one, so I just don't feel like watching it yar. Yes, yes the book is always different from the movie, but sue me. I always like the book version more. Maybe I will watch it later.
Anyway, He's Just Not That Into You. I pulled along my husband to watch it. He asked me several times what is it about. I have no idea actually but from the all star ensembles, I just said it is kinda like "Love Actually" where there are different short story intermittently going on with the characters actually entertwined (story wise) with each other.
We got the Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Alex (Justin Long) story. This is the sweetest one of all. IMHO. My husband declared Gigi is sweet.
We got the Jen Aniston and Ben Affleck story, which is also kinda sweet.
Also I kept on thinking how more and more Jennifer Connelly beginning to look like Demi Moore. And how harsh and old she looks. It does suits her character though in the movie. I also think that Scarlett Johansson needs to wear a bra pronto. Anyway, it was a fun movie. People were laughing.
My favorite parts are when they did what the earlier seasons of SATC used to do, like showing people on the streets kekonon being Q&A on "Why does a man do not call" or "How does your ex break up with you". It was fun. People were laughing especially on this one line, on how a man is actually bullshitting you when he said this line "I don't deserve you. You deserve someone much better" when he wants to break up with you. There are even a few claps in the cinema, ok. Heck, I guess 70% of the people watching the movie that night had received that line. Including moi. Hahaha. And it is bullshit. So, HA!
So, He's Not That Into You. Wildly recommended!

Oh yes, on Friday manage to catch a viewing of He's Just Not That Into You. I haven't watched yet Confessions of a Shopaholic and was also insulted that they changed British Becky to an American one, so I just don't feel like watching it yar. Yes, yes the book is always different from the movie, but sue me. I always like the book version more. Maybe I will watch it later.
Anyway, He's Just Not That Into You. I pulled along my husband to watch it. He asked me several times what is it about. I have no idea actually but from the all star ensembles, I just said it is kinda like "Love Actually" where there are different short story intermittently going on with the characters actually entertwined (story wise) with each other.
We got the Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Alex (Justin Long) story. This is the sweetest one of all. IMHO. My husband declared Gigi is sweet.
We got the Jen Aniston and Ben Affleck story, which is also kinda sweet.
Also I kept on thinking how more and more Jennifer Connelly beginning to look like Demi Moore. And how harsh and old she looks. It does suits her character though in the movie. I also think that Scarlett Johansson needs to wear a bra pronto. Anyway, it was a fun movie. People were laughing.
My favorite parts are when they did what the earlier seasons of SATC used to do, like showing people on the streets kekonon being Q&A on "Why does a man do not call" or "How does your ex break up with you". It was fun. People were laughing especially on this one line, on how a man is actually bullshitting you when he said this line "I don't deserve you. You deserve someone much better" when he wants to break up with you. There are even a few claps in the cinema, ok. Heck, I guess 70% of the people watching the movie that night had received that line. Including moi. Hahaha. And it is bullshit. So, HA!
So, He's Not That Into You. Wildly recommended!
U say it pretty much like Love Actually?? I love Love Actually! This is a must watch.
So that line is a bullshit eh? Hahaha. And why do suddenly I felt ashamed of myself?
Sheema: Hehehe. Feel good movie. Ok la jugak citer ni.
Macam nak beli ori dvd and tengok banyak kali.
Mula-mula prasan the poster ingatkan Demi Moore berlakon. Tengok nama kat bawah tu baru prasan Jennifer Connelly actually.