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Bid-bid First Birthday

Note: Please do not mind the insane allignment and layout of the pics. I just couldn't give a damn.

Post with pics.

Last weekend buat la sikit-sikit makan-makan. This post actually specifically for the eyes of a family yang jauh kat Middle East sana tuh, sila lah lihat gamba yang di bawah ini bersama captions2.

The makan-makan is adalah sempena Abid cengeng dah capai 1 tahun.

The family or my mom specifically decided to whip out fantastic cookings such as Nasi Tomato with Kurma Daging and Ayam Merah with Acar Timun, Makaroni Goreng and Soto. (Lapar balik bile type). Also several kueh mueh and kek for pencuci mulut.

Abg Yin tekun memotong nenas for the acar. Did I tell you I L.O.V.E acar timun intensely. I can eat that stuff alone with rice and be perfectly happy but chose not to as people might view me weird. Or cheap.

While preparing, Abid excited main belon. Die duk berguling-guling atas belon ituh. Tak jugak belon tu pecah.

Afterwards, he had been cleaned up a bit and pakai baju molek sikit. Kasik nampak ensem untuk berjumpa chicks at party okeh. Letak je kat lantai kembali mengeluarkan belon-belon dari basket.

Itu die. Caught! Actually 2 people are actually taking pictures of the same scenes. The less prettier one of the pic is of course moi punyer.
Gamba ni blurry la.

And of course the point of a birthday party, is that there should be cake! Let us eat cake! Okey. Chocolate kek with unhealthy amount of colorful icing that is simply delish. I love the cake. And it was just about enough for everybody. Termasuk la Seri yang aku perasan amik 3rd helping OK. Hahaha!

At first glance I thought the "Express" is Espresso.

Below pics are of some of the guests that came. There were loads. Some sempat disnap. Some not. But kira nice jugak la they make the time to come. Thanks y'all. You know who you are.

The spread. The dishes is like what I mentioned earlier. Not forgetting Firdaus telah membawa Sata (delish!), and Wawa buat extra lengkong. Not pictured, is the makaroni goreng. Dah habis by this time, sangat lah laku. This pic is taken bile da petang-petang sikit pon.

Some of the random pics of the majlis. The kids were having fun enough time. Fasha relished the attention. She tidak malu-malu mahupon memalukan tuan die. Dan Abid was neglected at his own party dan opted to bermain di bawah kerusi. ( He was also seen menghisap selipar jiran sebelah )

Afterwards presents opening session. Gamba last tu muka Bid2 sudah sangat mengantuk. He liked the truck best. Penuh lego besar-besar tu dengan air liur die.
Hoh. So that's it. So Akak and Alisha, more of the pic Some will uploadkan dalam my Facebook. Hehe.

Huh... Really tiring posting and somewhat editing all those pics. Gah! Now I know why those self absorbed cam whoring blogs are always lacking in words. It takes sheer willpower to post up all those pic of yourself.

Dengan itu saya akan habiskan Abid-centric post ini with moar picture of himself looking into his pembalut hadiah.

p/s: Amcam Dilla. Ada calon untuk jadi belog makcik tak? Hahaha.


Shu said…
macaroni goreng.. lama aku x masak macaroni goreng.. droolingz...
ask_far said…
woi why was my name not mention?
Aku lah uncle yg plng bgus tau dlm family.
Dils said…
Hehe. Simple dish kan... (tu pon mak baru ajar. Hahaha.. tapi still bukan aku masak la)

Hahaha. Sebab akak yang mintak post. Hehehe.
Anasfadilah said…
boleh jadi blog makcik2!!yay!

bila bace,mula perasan..dan berkata dalam hati

"banyak pula pic dalam dils punye entry kali ni.."

hehehehe..gambar bid yang last sekali,cute gile :)
Dils said…

Gamba tu memang cute tul. Especially nampak tapak kaki. Tapak kaki baby is the cutest thing ever!
Mogen Ali Rico said…
werlops..salam dan salam kaut..
Rupernyer ade jugak org suka buat blog..miahahahha

anyway..nice blog babe..put u in my Hotzzz list
Dils said…
Heh. Thanks.

Masuk your belog dalam list gak.
Taqiyuddin said…
sungguh familiar la that mama yang tiup candle tuh. your sister? whats her name? asma?
Dils said…
My sis. But her name is Azlina.


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