Anyway... I think my blog muse had now migrated herself to the stars realm and beyond. Therefore my blog post for now will be laden with pictures of various stuffs with the customary texts to balance it out. Savvy?
Anyway... let start. Okeh. My husband is now at home! Yeay! Sudah ade bedmate. Fasha tak kira. He came back with his bags filled with chocolates. Our house is now over-choc-full.

Indecent the amount of chocolates, us family can consume. And our favorite is the Cote d'Or. Incredibly nutty and delish. Some of it are going to be distribute among families and offices.
Chocolates are not the only thing my husband brought back from there. He bought me a new phone too. Wooots! An LG Cookie!

It's a fine phone for me. Nice graphic. A touch phone, kinda like a PDA but do not have the full range of a PDA. The sound is OK, test out camera is fine enough. but not too sharp. The applications is pretty easy and simple to navigate to. Do not have wi-fi nor 3G, but DiGi do not offer those and we are using the Data Plan when we need to go to mobile internet-ing. And this phone browser is pretty OK when I want to go to some my favorite sites or update my Facebook status.
I can now mo-blog! So excited! A bit slow here in catching up with tech. Heh. But after a certain age, I think you just do with whatever you have and you can't spend all your money in playing catch up with all thing latest and trendy eh. However the battery had now run out because I think we had been tinkering with the phone a little bit too much. Though I blame my husband on that cause whenever I leave him with my phone, I found him adjusting some settings or navigating through or playing around with the games in the phone. He is far more excited in testing out this new phone than I am.
Also, I manage to win myself some goodies bag by joining an online contest for the movie "Underworld 3". Yeah, kinda a long time back. But just received news last week that my entry won. It was a kind of essay-writing thingies (or more like slogans) on "What would I do if I am a vampire/werewolves?". Wrote some stuffs. Win some stuffs! Goodies! The picture below are some of the stuffs that I won.

The Bedtime Stories are an added bonus to the goodies bag. There is a Bedtime Stories nightlight which I gave to my nephew. The really nice keychain had been quickly taken up by my brother, the letter opener had been taken by husband, the pair of Underworld shot glass at the moment is next to the others shot glasses on the shelf. The T-Shirt is mine as so the notebook. There is another prize which is a voucher for free membership at a gym. But it had to be forfeited as the gym clubs is so far away and the end date for the voucher to be redeemed is yesterday (which is the same day as when I went to pick up the prize. WTF right?). Shame, really. I do not mind giving it up to others as I don't go to the gym, (which is why I am not really upset in forfeiting the voucher) but the kiasuness in me feels really blah that it have to go to waste like that. Oh well! At least got other goodies bag! And other contests to win! Heh...
Oh and I dipped just my toes in the deep, deep pool of online shopping and bought myself a second hand book. The book arrived yesterday.

Love it. The price is around RM12 inclusive postage, so it is quite a steal. The book a bit yellowed and dotted at the front though but I don't mind as much.
Yeah, it is a children's book but didn't I said before I love reading and collecting children's books? Haven't read it yet as there is a long list of books waiting to be read yet. Kumpul dahulu... I guess I feel safer in buying books online cause I know the retail price outside, and basically you do not have to worry if it do not fit you. The person who sold me the book is also very nice which make me look forward in buying books from her again in the future.
Ok. I think the post had gone on long enough. Dinner time!
Anyway... let start. Okeh. My husband is now at home! Yeay! Sudah ade bedmate. Fasha tak kira. He came back with his bags filled with chocolates. Our house is now over-choc-full.
Indecent the amount of chocolates, us family can consume. And our favorite is the Cote d'Or. Incredibly nutty and delish. Some of it are going to be distribute among families and offices.
Chocolates are not the only thing my husband brought back from there. He bought me a new phone too. Wooots! An LG Cookie!
It's a fine phone for me. Nice graphic. A touch phone, kinda like a PDA but do not have the full range of a PDA. The sound is OK, test out camera is fine enough. but not too sharp. The applications is pretty easy and simple to navigate to. Do not have wi-fi nor 3G, but DiGi do not offer those and we are using the Data Plan when we need to go to mobile internet-ing. And this phone browser is pretty OK when I want to go to some my favorite sites or update my Facebook status.
I can now mo-blog! So excited! A bit slow here in catching up with tech. Heh. But after a certain age, I think you just do with whatever you have and you can't spend all your money in playing catch up with all thing latest and trendy eh. However the battery had now run out because I think we had been tinkering with the phone a little bit too much. Though I blame my husband on that cause whenever I leave him with my phone, I found him adjusting some settings or navigating through or playing around with the games in the phone. He is far more excited in testing out this new phone than I am.
Also, I manage to win myself some goodies bag by joining an online contest for the movie "Underworld 3". Yeah, kinda a long time back. But just received news last week that my entry won. It was a kind of essay-writing thingies (or more like slogans) on "What would I do if I am a vampire/werewolves?". Wrote some stuffs. Win some stuffs! Goodies! The picture below are some of the stuffs that I won.
The Bedtime Stories are an added bonus to the goodies bag. There is a Bedtime Stories nightlight which I gave to my nephew. The really nice keychain had been quickly taken up by my brother, the letter opener had been taken by husband, the pair of Underworld shot glass at the moment is next to the others shot glasses on the shelf. The T-Shirt is mine as so the notebook. There is another prize which is a voucher for free membership at a gym. But it had to be forfeited as the gym clubs is so far away and the end date for the voucher to be redeemed is yesterday (which is the same day as when I went to pick up the prize. WTF right?). Shame, really. I do not mind giving it up to others as I don't go to the gym, (which is why I am not really upset in forfeiting the voucher) but the kiasuness in me feels really blah that it have to go to waste like that. Oh well! At least got other goodies bag! And other contests to win! Heh...
Oh and I dipped just my toes in the deep, deep pool of online shopping and bought myself a second hand book. The book arrived yesterday.
Love it. The price is around RM12 inclusive postage, so it is quite a steal. The book a bit yellowed and dotted at the front though but I don't mind as much.
Yeah, it is a children's book but didn't I said before I love reading and collecting children's books? Haven't read it yet as there is a long list of books waiting to be read yet. Kumpul dahulu... I guess I feel safer in buying books online cause I know the retail price outside, and basically you do not have to worry if it do not fit you. The person who sold me the book is also very nice which make me look forward in buying books from her again in the future.
Ok. I think the post had gone on long enough. Dinner time!
that is melampau ok. bag of heart cloggers! ha ha.. but i didnt see any foot long toblerone in that heap. so tidak jelas ok!
ha ha
You should try out that Cote d'Or if you see it. Sangat best. Beat Toblerone!
Hahaha... I had been hinting sejak sebelom kahwin lagi. Takpe. Usaha tangga kejayaan.
Oh. Sesiapa yang sempat ku snap nanti aku snap.
Menarik mnarik. For moi kegunaan quite ok la and not that expensive. But Iphone users would prolly spit out saying "IPHONE IS DA GREATEST FOR TOUCH PHONE" . (Pada siapakah aku tujukan komen ini...)
Hahaha. Tu la ko jauh sangat. Dah tadek hadiah dah. HP ade.
Some tak bawak Reese. No one in the house like it lor. Heh. Last time beli, berbulan dalam fridge.