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Off, Berjimba.

That's the word often used when my housemates in UTP decided to go Ipoh on Friday's night.

Well, that's the word I am using now, though Ipoh is not exactly in mind. My husband and I will be off to Siem Reap for a week. Holidaying!!! (Extra exclamation marks are indeed needed) Dan seperti mana my Out of Office email stated, "... I will have no access to emails". But who knows if the wifi is good enough for me to blog eh? We'll see.

Those are my various bags of medicinal stuffs, toiletries and electronic stuffs. Anything I can label, will be bag!

Will write more later! So excited. Oh, jab, I have to eat my 'travel sickness' pill. For the weak stomach in plane. Gah! I hate that. Count yourselves lucky, anyone of you who don't suffer bouts of nausea at the slightest hint of sway during your vehicular passage.


Anasfadilah said…
wah!! nak ikut berjimba jugakkk...hheh..semoga selamat berjalan ok :)
Shu said…
wah.. syok nya!!!! (extra exclamation marks jgk)...
alexa said…
extended honeymoon?
frH said…
Siem Reap kat mana? ada apa dgn Siem Reap?
oleh itu sila blog mengenai Siem Reap. i need the information (perhaps for my next trip plak ke..?) & photo2 yg mengiurkan jugak!!
SheeMa said…
take care beb..Selamat berjimba jimba ok ;) dun forget to photoblogging whenever u can..beshhhh nye
ask_far said…
woi aku nak sebinier.
enjoy the hols dils... have fun

ahak ahak
Mogen Ali Rico said…
happy holiday!!!!!
Dils said…
Hehe. Ajak la itu en. suami berholiday lagi bersama pakcik kecik.

Stakat ni syok jugak la.

Lebey kurang la. Budgeted honeymoon?

Effi and Aidil:

Siem Reap kat Cambodia. Semestinye la aku akan berbelog pasal ini.

Thanks beb. Banyak giler photos. Cuma kurang sket camwhoring. Huhuhu.

Dah beli dah.
none said…
aku purposely comment kat sini sbb nak igt kan ko souvenir aku...hahahahahahahaahahhahaaa...

ko tau kan aku bukan org yg hipokrit... hahahaahahahahaahahaa.. anyhow..aku kecewa tgk gamba2 ko post...sbb x nampak skeping pon gamba ko....gamba sham je? tu pon 2 keping...tu pon ngadap pinggan makan... mcm pic kite dolu2 time bejimba mesti pose ngn food...wooooohooooooooo
Dils said…
Hahaha... ko taw kan aku mencie camwhoring. Ade la 1 2, tapi aku tak letak dlm belog laa. Hahaha! Huduh!

Tapi banyak gamba some. Aku amik gamba die, die amik gamba aku. Kalu rajin lepak bekfes aku bawak album gamba.




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