Went back to JB last weekend. Sahaja balik bersantai dan makan-makan.
If balik JB my mom will cook up a storm with sajian-sajian seperti rojak, ketam masak lemak, sambal udang, nasi tomato dan pelbagai lagi la. Berat jua akan naik. Tsk.
Also there are a few favorite places that I like to frequent to get my fix on certain food yang hanya ada di JB. Or more like aku rase paling sedap kat situ la. Among the places yang sempat dikunjungi or food yang sempat disantap are as below shown in pics.
The femes goreng pisang at Galeri Mawar. (Kim Florist tu tadek kena mengena). The goreng pisang is being sold at the pondok biru ituh. Nowadays there are also some chairs and tables setup just outside the pondok for people to enjoy their plate of goreng pisang with their favorite drinks ala-ala al fresco.
I think it was famous because the Sultanah like to singgah there to get her goreng pisang fix. It was good la. But not as good as the goreng pisang at the juction to Batu Gajah tu (dekat Tronoh). If that goreng pisang is combine with kuah cili kicap ... sangat best.
Best eaten while being accompanied with a book and teh ais. Heh. Sheema's book to be exact. Takpe Sheema, buku itu sudah dibalut.
At first I thought I would take a pass on the yong tau fu then my husband sound "Nanti bile dah balik KL bising-bising cakap tak bawak gi makan yong tau fu". Wahaha. So we went to Kampung Melayu and was delighted to find that maseh ade banyak lagi. Sangat suke.
ABC Ceklat. Wow wheee! Tapi best jika dikongsi as was too full. Both of us didn't manage to habiskan the ABC. So when we came back dari melantak ABC and yong tau fu adalah sangat kenyang.
Itu je la yang sempat di-snap. The others, makan home cooked meal sahaja.
Other than eating, manage to also catch the movie Dragonball at the Cathay Cineplex. Kinda blah! My viewing pleasure was also diminished by a person sitting in front where kepala die telah memblock 1/4 of my view of the screen. Also there was this obnoxious girl who keeps on giggling and mentioning to her boyfriend of all the stuffs that is also in the comic. Ugh, so you read the comics. So does half of the viewers in the cinema. I don't hear them mentioning it out aloud every 5 minutes. Tolonglah sepak diri sendiri if you are these type of person when watching a movie. Jika mahu berbincang, just wait after the movie and keluarkan all of your knowledge at makan-makan sessions.
All these stuffs just make you feel like buying pirated DVDs je ok. Sakit hati.
If balik JB my mom will cook up a storm with sajian-sajian seperti rojak, ketam masak lemak, sambal udang, nasi tomato dan pelbagai lagi la. Berat jua akan naik. Tsk.
Also there are a few favorite places that I like to frequent to get my fix on certain food yang hanya ada di JB. Or more like aku rase paling sedap kat situ la. Among the places yang sempat dikunjungi or food yang sempat disantap are as below shown in pics.
I think it was famous because the Sultanah like to singgah there to get her goreng pisang fix. It was good la. But not as good as the goreng pisang at the juction to Batu Gajah tu (dekat Tronoh). If that goreng pisang is combine with kuah cili kicap ... sangat best.
Itu je la yang sempat di-snap. The others, makan home cooked meal sahaja.
Other than eating, manage to also catch the movie Dragonball at the Cathay Cineplex. Kinda blah! My viewing pleasure was also diminished by a person sitting in front where kepala die telah memblock 1/4 of my view of the screen. Also there was this obnoxious girl who keeps on giggling and mentioning to her boyfriend of all the stuffs that is also in the comic. Ugh, so you read the comics. So does half of the viewers in the cinema. I don't hear them mentioning it out aloud every 5 minutes. Tolonglah sepak diri sendiri if you are these type of person when watching a movie. Jika mahu berbincang, just wait after the movie and keluarkan all of your knowledge at makan-makan sessions.
All these stuffs just make you feel like buying pirated DVDs je ok. Sakit hati.
kat jhor je jumpe.. T_T
nanti kirim aci ke?
Tumbuk cili, bawang putih and gula and add it to the kicap and water a bit. Sometimes I put just a little bit of limau nipis in it.
cantik dah buku i :) thanks kerna membalut. XOXO
Bab movie lak, I went out with this girl to watch a movie, lps tuh die tny, "Why the silent?" I was like, "Ermm... because we are watching the movie??" "Wah concentratenye." Blerghh. Some people just love talking while watching.
Itu adalah yong tau fu sup yg paling sdap sekali. For moi and the family and la.
Huhuh. The one bad thing about cili kicap is, it makes it harder to stop eating goreng pisang once sudah dicicah. Bile dah habis sume pisang goreng itu, then I add all the kerak in the kuah and makan kerak tu pulak. Hoho...
Hahaha... lepas tuh ko ajak die tengok wayang lagi tak? Ade ke die bising-bising tanya macam-macam dalam cinema?
(how much was it? it looks expensive though..)
ah..a girl keeps talking/giggling in the cinema. tell me about it. methinks me stuck with one T_T
Ade orang cakap, ABC ceklat ni banyak at JB je. Angsana pon ade, tapi favorite is kat Kg Melayu ni la. Sodap!
I miss home. Can't wait to go back this week yeay!
Aside from the movie, I think you had a great time in good ol JB!
PS: Iceroll, ditch the bitch already. LOL
apsal abc ni melampau btol coklat dgn kacang dia. benci btol aku tengok waktu2 thari camnih.
Galeri MAWAR, is in between Hyatt Regency hotel and E.C (English College or Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar). Try cari dua landmark ni, jumpa la Mawar tu.