Sekali lagi Fasha menjadi model unggul blog ini.
Husband bertanya "You tak nak letak gamba Fasha dah baik dalam belog you?"
Nah. Ni die Fasha. She likes plastic bags a lot. A problem when I am cleaning up my room and in need of a huge ass plastic garbage bag to throw away trash when your cat keeps wanting to dart in and out of your garbage bag. So I gave her another plastic bag for her entertainment.
A plastic fix and she's a happy kitty. Note that there is no longer a collar adorning her neck. We took it off last week and she spent the whole hour grooming and licking herself to oblivions.
Today also is this dude birthday.
You are 1! Yeay!
I am going out in a while to buy him a cake though the cake would mostly be enjoyed by his aunties, uncle and parents.
Low maintenance kucing ni. Suke makan nasik ngan roti. Pastu kalu nak main, cari lipas or cicak kat luar rumah and bawak masuk umah main sampai mampos. "^_^
We are tempted to put on the collar again cause she likes to bite.