This is Fasha

So jangan depressed-depressed ye.

She had been brought to the vet to be spayed.
Bile balik die terkinja-kinja mencari pasir (cat litter sand) to do the no. 1. She is a well brought up cat who demanded her own toilet to do her business.
However she had been notti because she kept on licking her stitches so haruslah dikolar. Bile balik dari vet die merajuk and berbaringan di belakang dapur tidak mempedulikan makanan dan minuman faveret yang disediakan.
She hated her collar dan tidak sabar untuk melompat-lompat bersama hornets, wasps, bees, rama-rama di hadapan rumah dan jua frolicking bersama BFF si Tompok kurap di belakang. Sorry la Fasha, this is only for a while yek.
Selepas ini, saya sebagai master Fasha membenarkan kamu (Fasha) untuk membohsiakan diri kepada kucing-kucing jantan di belakang especially 2 ekor kucing oren yang montel yang senantiasa mencari mangsa untuk melepaskan kerakusan nafsu.
Bile balik die terkinja-kinja mencari pasir (cat litter sand) to do the no. 1. She is a well brought up cat who demanded her own toilet to do her business.
However she had been notti because she kept on licking her stitches so haruslah dikolar. Bile balik dari vet die merajuk and berbaringan di belakang dapur tidak mempedulikan makanan dan minuman faveret yang disediakan.
She hated her collar dan tidak sabar untuk melompat-lompat bersama hornets, wasps, bees, rama-rama di hadapan rumah dan jua frolicking bersama BFF si Tompok kurap di belakang. Sorry la Fasha, this is only for a while yek.
Selepas ini, saya sebagai master Fasha membenarkan kamu (Fasha) untuk membohsiakan diri kepada kucing-kucing jantan di belakang especially 2 ekor kucing oren yang montel yang senantiasa mencari mangsa untuk melepaskan kerakusan nafsu.

So jangan depressed-depressed ye.
use to have a cat. she is the bitch of the neighbourhood asik prego. ask me mom to mandulkan her. mom wouldn't do it. until one day i think her kitten shat on me dad's selipar masjid
that's the end of it. mom end up giving her away to a cat home. end of
i will never bela kucing. i will only keep goldfish. they are fun
Your mom kesian kut for the cat to be spayed. My cat is currently pathetically lying around either depressed or in pain.
Goldfish is kewl tho they actually need a large aquarium or space to swim around in. They can be pretty lovable. Our family used to have this goldfish, but it dies when I gave it to my then bf to take care while we (the family) were holidaying overseas.
kesian nye Fasha..depressed ek..
lepas ni boleh lah membohsiakan diri ye...hahaha
Tidak lagi risau apabila die balik kul 6.30 pagi. Macam tunggu anak dara balik clubbing je kenkadang.