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Weekend Snaps

This morning I am so pissed myself. Packed myself a chicken bun my sister bought yesterday. Then tertinggal di atas meja. Gah! Missed my breakfast la camnih. Anyway... I think I would post my past weekends recap briefly.

I figured out that I would mostly put up just few pics to recap my past weekends. So here it goes.

On the long Federal Weekend, went to Melaka.

With the usual girls.

Went to Jonker Street.

Bought these stuffs.

When gotten back to the hotel room, we played these old card games again and basically we had a blast that night and for the whole trip too. (Gohan might have a different idea. Hehe).

Also before getting back to KL, manage to stop at that Melaka Dataran Pahlawan Megamall as we saw a banner informing that there is a Times Warehouse book sales ongoing. Bought a few, of course.

Last long Thaipusam weekend pulak, on Saturday morning pergi ke KLCC to catch Bride Wars. Ok enough la. Pretty fun and predictable.

Afterwards, went browsing at Kinokuniya and bought myself the Fables graphic novel series, Legends in Exile (Vol. 1). It is pretty good. Still currently reading it. I think, I would continue to collect the whole series then.

Then, went to MATIC on Saturday night for the Pesta Sarawak and Terengganu thing that was held there...

Went there for this mee kolo, prepared by Rozie's family. They manned a booth there.

It was delish. So does the Teh C Peng, which I didn't take a snap of. Didn't bring my camera, so just use the trusty old phone camera.

Afterwards went to see the jamming session held by Lan's group of friends. It was great. They were good. Nah, that I didn't take a pic.

Well, the other activites are just the usual stuffs, watch series, lepaking sessions, errand trips, lounging around membalut buku-buku baru dibeli with plastic cover. Which reminds me that I need to buy new plastic cover for my books.

Ok lah. Laters!


Anasfadilah said…
wahhh banyak nye buku

jeless lahhh!

teh c peng...kaknaz (kakak saya) kata sedap..

ada serawak je teh c peng ni
Dils said…
Huhu. Mesti nak kena jugak beli buku banyak2. Tak muat dah bookcase. Haih. Nk sewa buku je la pasnih.

Kalo kedai yg memang jual Sarawak nye dishes ade kut. Huhuhu.
FrH said…
haih dila still balut buku dgn plastic cover ke .. cam dak skolah .. cute btol ..

i almost forget what is plastic cover is .. ;)
Dils said…
Hahha.. aku rase zaman skolah aku la paling malas skali nak balut buku.

Tapi kena la jugak sebab bawak buku ke sana sini dalam beg, abes la buku ku ituh as cover die kenkdg terkelepet.
i've been looking for the fables book

how much ye? need to make my list and kumpul duit!
Dils said…
I usha the price at Borders (+- rm1 comparing both) and Kinos.

Vol 1 - rm34
Vol 2 - rm40++
and it gets considerably pricier with each volume. LOL.

But stakat ni I look tak lebey lagi RM70. Ok kut.

Try buying the 1001 Nights of Snowfall first. Its like a prequel to the Fables series. Introduced you nicely to the main characters.
Anonymous said…
Dils: can i engaged the "plastic wrapping book cover" services from you? HAHAHAHA.

buku banyak, nk cover malas. tp emo bila kulit buku lusuh.

Anonymous said…
uits..tak ketahuan pn korang2 sampai ke melaka....ade igt berlalu begitu saje...haha tak sangka plak kesampaian...

nice2...nti ade lg i will join...
Dils said…

Balut cikai2 je. Time2 tengah tengok series tu donlod la. Huhu.

My previous book yg slalu baca sume ni dh lusuh gile kaver die. Tu yg last2 decide utk balut je.

Huhu.. plan plan kamikaze. Hampir2 tak jadi sebab tak jumpa hotel yg ade vacancy. Gohan dah merajuk2 nak balik KL terus. Hahahaha.


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