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Super Unmotivated

That's because its a Friday. Kepala cam berpinar. This maybe due to a heavy lunch I had. Maybe the last heavy lunch I will have for weeks.

I started writing this in point but the paragraph looks retarded so make it like a highlighted points. Woots!

Toll for AKLEH had risen 50sen which sucks. I depends on AKLEH quite heavily. "Its only a jalan alternatif". Not when taking the other road would increase my on the road time to more than 1 hour.
Edited: Oh tidak jadi. Yeay!

Fashion faux paus for women wearing heels. Price tag underneath your shoes. Peeled it off altogether. Not just the price bits.

Thinking of making a kebaya. Money is a problem. As it always is.

Another fashion faux paus for women. Blemished legs. Wear pantyhose when wearing a skirt.

I wondered why some women are afraid of colours. One even kinda weirdly asked me if I would wear a bright red blouse. I would. And experiment with colours la girls. We are still young. (Walaupon other people might indicate otherwise :)

Tried Malaya Straits Kopitiam. Its Honey Lemon Juice is weird. Do not think will be frequenting the place again.

I am enjoying online trivia quizzes from Facebook and Try the Click your boredom away for a good cause.

I now have Fables Book 2. Yet to read it. Waiting untuk dibalut molek2.

Tah hape
Mix.FM is running the lie detector test again. This time for celebrities. Anyone who are able to convince celebrities to take the test win RM3k. Anyone interested? As much I love gossip, I don't have any celebrities I would like to grill questions. But perhaps Natasha Hudson?


nat hudson would be boring

i think i want to rope in AC Mizal. make him confess that he is a douchebag


as for the tol. well DILS, the gahmen is now compensating the concession holder. technically YOU ARE STILL paying the toll through your taxes! invisible hand

and you balut your books? now that is a first! maybe i should do mine. less damage can be inflicted!
iceroll said…
Nahh i wouldn't agree with effi. Natasha Hudson would be great. Ask her did she really slept with somebody else (now husband) while she still marrying to her then ex? Or ask her, did she is really a materialistic bitch? You already now the answer, but still, Im gonna ask that if I had the chance.
GkWithLove said…
WoooT.. Akleh increasd by 50cent? alrady expensive for the short distance?
Dils said…
True true. My beloved books yg before this covers sume sungguh kesian. harus la kena balut as I like to reread books over and over again. not just put it up on display on bookshelves. Haha.

And how would you determine a douche by asking questions?

Wahahaha. Kamon. You like gossip too aight. Telefon la MIX.FM. Dapat RM3k bole bawak g bercuti!

True true. But seems like they are holding off the decision until end of the year.

Everything must go up.
Shu said…
dils.. the holly inbox thingy.. takde sambung lagi ye (online).. any idea...
Dils said…
huhu.. tadek la. Kena beli buku die. yg tu kinda like a preview utk book die yg second .


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