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Kete rusak pulak

and I am currently at home abeskan tengok True Blood. Cilaker je kan. Padahal ade banyak je keje kat opis. But lantak la and I need to wait for the 'pomen' to come pon.

Kalu tidak camne esok aku nak gi keje? Naik teksikah? Dah la selalu balik lambat. Gah! At least nasib baik the car wouldn't start at home. Last night ada tanda2 dah, but I manage to start the car after all. Bayangkan la kalo kete itu rusak tengah2 that dark parking lot where ade transvestite melakukan aktiviti2 "servis". ( I was just about to drive out of the parking lot one night and terkezut aku taw. Tetiba je ade 1 she-man kuar out of the dark macam creature of the night. Muka die dissapointed je finding out its a woman driving that car and she went back to her dark place ).

Ah ok la. Laters.


what what what?

time to call mastika or majidol.... that woukd be fine fodder for the mag or 999


serious? lawak lah!
none said…
haih..luckily rusak kat umah..mcm mafia biru aku aritu, enjin mati terus betul2 lepas trefik light...mau x ngamuk org kat blakang bederet jem kul 7.45pagi...waaaaaa maluuuuu gilerrrrrrrrrr
Anasfadilah said…
creature of the night??

eii serem ok..

terbayang macam hantu carik mangsa je...hahah
Dils said…
Oho. They start congregating there around 7. Horror je ok tetiba je kuar out of the dark from bawah pokok.

Once my husband was picking me up late one night from the office, ade aje offer " Abang nak service?"


Kalo aku dah EL searie trauma. Hahaha... (eh ni pon kira mcm EL gak smalam )


Agak seram jugak la... tetiba je. Ni dah la bukan transvestite yg ala-ala Miss Thailand Trans tu kan.
FrH said…
nasib baik kete rosak di rumah .. bukan di jalanraya .. haha.

kete aku pn xbleh start last week, battry out .. demm.


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