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Amazing Race Asia for Ordinary Asians?

Yesterday I watched briefly the Amazing Race Asia nye pre-show. You know the episode where they introduce all their contestants/participants/racers.

And I couldn't help it but feeling like 'muntah darah'.

Almost all of them are either actors/host/models. There is only one pair that do not eke out their living from standing in front of the camera. The Singaporean couple. 

Don't the casting director know that doofus Marc & Rovilwalt from last season makes viewers like throwing stuffs on the screen. Whenever they are on, I am really not interested in watching. It's like watching a really forced bad gag. 

Now they have to go ahead and cast not a pair or two or 3 pairs or people that is a host or actor or whateverumaycallit. But (Ok... I am trying to calculate in my head and I am really bad at maths, so I maybe off), but from the 20++ contestant. 10 or more are actors/models/beauty queens or host. So you Amazing Race Asia casting director. Why don't you just drop the pretending and just call it Amazing Race with the Stars! 

And some of these people are not even Asian for god's sake. I am all about equality. But there is something wrong with the media and AXN and the casting director themselves, when it seems that half of the contestants seem more Caucasian than Asian. Thank God at least the Malaysian and Singaporean participants looked and sound like Malaysian and Singaporean. And do not get me started on that Thailand beauty queens. 

So what you casting bigwigs? Ordinary citizens who is not pretty or talented or lucky enough to be in front of the camera are not worth your time? So if we need to be in the race, we need to drag at least one measly actor/actress to be our partner. VJ or DJ pon ok la yek. I guess those actors/singers/models/host participation form are put in 1 bedazzled box while the other ordinary boring folk are into the dust bin? Ya lor. Ordinary folk do not tarik the rating ye. Sorry that we are an especial bother. Lain kali takyah advertise pon lah for the participants boleh? 

I am so disgusted (not to mention feeling like another bout of muntah hijau pulak after watching that really annoying Phillipines couple yang awek die pakai bikini tu... yeuch) watching yesterday introduction that I am quite put off in watching Amazing Race Asia. As much as I do like Ida Nerina, these whole process or pemilihan you might call it, just feel UGH! 

p/s: On an altogether totally different note (Shima, shield your eyes), GG 201 eps rocks! Nate and S fake kiss is one of the hottest in the show. Just third below B kissing with Nate on the night of the dance and first is of course the limo kiss okeh. They DO have chemistry. S and Dan are kinda blah, but I don't totally hate it. 


gosh u beat me to the punch

i was about to write about the same thing too when i saw EYE-DA Nerina in the AR:A promo a few months back. i mean wtf? lets say if she wins she already kaya nak mati

good observation on the mostly pan asian contestant. last-lasy year punya they even have an african american representing Filipina. don't they have locals anymore! gah!

honestlty memang bile inducing anger sungguh! i think the worst one was the hong kong model combo. the model is actually an aussie living in HK


nexy year maybe they will put amber chia and sean ghazi to represent malaysia

/me still waiting for the Asian version of Sharla and Mirna. that midget is the best thing ever in amazing race!
Shu said…
totally agree with u. ntah ape2 ntah.
Dils said…
Oh Yes. I meant some of them are already very rich already. Tah- tah like that rich couple in Amazing Race, for the challenge. Gah!

But yeah, the first one was not so bad. The second one, is bile inducing only with Marc and Rovilwalt. But these third season participants, wah lau weh is either 'celebrities' or caucasian/eurasian. Gah!

Hehe.. itu le kan. Baik lagi.. ape ek yang Malaysia nye version tu..yg race around the country tu.. lupa lak nama die.
Shu said…
explorace! betul tak, betul tak?
Dils said…
betul betul! Explorace... tp mcm complicated plak explorace tu kenkdg. Haha..
chics said…
I have not yet watch it, tapi cukupla tengok ads die, turn offlah.

TARA2 pon dah turn off.euw
Dils said…
TARA1 jugak yg mnarik because the Zab and JoeJer tu very kewl. TARA2 is satisfying tengok yang last when Marc Rovilwalt itu kalah. Excited giler biler die org kalah. Hahahaha *gelak evilz*

But TARA3 is honestly, gag inducing. Ugh.


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