Adek meng'tag'.
7 Fakta Mengenai Diri Saya (7 Facts about Me..)
7 Perkara Yang Menakutkan Saya Di Dunia (7 Things that Scare Me in the World...)
7 Lagu Kegemaran Buat Masa Sekarang (7 Current Favourite Songs) - This is really hard as I don't hear radio that much and my songs are usually in loop from the same artistes
7 Orang Menjawab Soalan-soalan Di Atas (7 People That can waste their time at this tag)
Tiada. Hihih. Kadang-kadang I tag ade orang-orang itu tak buat. (Tiada nada-nada tidak puas hati mahupon sinis di sini). Haha.. so its up to you eh. But my fiance bole je buat. Sebab I can bully him into doing the tag.
Ok. Sekian.
7 Fakta Mengenai Diri Saya (7 Facts about Me..)
1. Got little patience.
2. Sneeze a lot.
3. Dream a lot.
4. Like food and clothes and bags too much.
5. Proud Johorean.
6. Can be a tad bit obsessive
7. Like to babble. To people closest to me lor.
7 Perkara Yang Menakutkan Saya Di Dunia (7 Things that Scare Me in the World...)
1. Cicak (More like disgust me)
2. Death
3. Pyschotic Rapist / Killer (With the state of the world today, its something I fear everyday)
4. Creepy guys. (Mungkin sebab suspected termasuk di golongan di atas)
5. Lost of a loved one
6. Creepy crawlies underwater. There's a lot of disgusting things like snakes underwater okeh.
7. Creepy crawlies under a rock. I hate gardening. I always expected to find lipan, ulat or a toad somewhere when hunching over a plant.
7 Lagu Kegemaran Buat Masa Sekarang (7 Current Favourite Songs) - This is really hard as I don't hear radio that much and my songs are usually in loop from the same artistes
1. La Foule by Edith Piaf. And a few songs from Edith Piaf too, Mon Dieu, Milord, etc7 Perkataan Yang Selalu Saya Sebut (7 Words Mostly I Said..)
2. Songs from Dil To Pagal Hai .. Hahahaha. Suke aku la nak suke Hindustan.
3. Despedida by Shakira
4. Mozart Symphony No 40. (All time favorite okeh). And just group Beethoven, Bach and Tchaikovsky into that too.
5. Soundtracks from Amelie.
(ok stakat ni knapa takde lagu dlm bahasa yang aku paham .....)
6. The Platters - Smoke gets in your eyes.
7. Secret - The Pierces
1. Busuk7 Perkara Yang Bernilai Bagi Diri Saya (7 Valuable Things for Me)
2. ek...
3. hmmmmmm
4. Lembap betul taw {insert whoever or whatever} ni !!
5. Malasnye nak pegi keje esok.
6. Lapa
7. Ape?
1. My money. (I am materialistic that way)7 Pertama Kali Dalam Hidup Saya (7 First Time in My Life) - This actually do not make sense, of course there are many first time, but what is about needs an explanation .
2. My clothes. Again. Materialistic
3. My family. Haaa. Would be pon included.
4. My thoughts and memories
5. My friends
6. My computer and the hard drives that is in it.
7. My dvds.
1. There's a lot of first time in my life I would never reveal. Just group that to no. 1.
2. The first time I felt snow when I was 8 - I feel like bolting back into the car.
3. The first time I smoke when I was 10 - I do not feel it is remotely interesting nor nice nor cool and do not care for it ever again.
4. The first time I puasa penuh when I was 11 - because I have to because dah wajib ok.
5. The first time I felt failure was during my time in boarding school - Everybody else is much much cleverer than me.
6. The first time I blog when I was finishing up my studies in uni - as with everybody else back then I want to rant and rave about love. Now the topic nauseate me.
7. The first time a complete stranger ( a grownup with a job) gave me his phone number when I was 13 - I looked at it confusedly and gave the number to my friend for them to have fun at.
7 Orang Menjawab Soalan-soalan Di Atas (7 People That can waste their time at this tag)
Tiada. Hihih. Kadang-kadang I tag ade orang-orang itu tak buat. (Tiada nada-nada tidak puas hati mahupon sinis di sini). Haha.. so its up to you eh. But my fiance bole je buat. Sebab I can bully him into doing the tag.
Ok. Sekian.
i often use this when lack of ideas. same in your case?
proud johorean? isn't that an oxymoron? all johorean are born to be proud of johor. i never met a johorean who despice johor. dare i say we are prouder than kelantanese and kedahans combined!
johor maju! johor bagus!
jom lepak lido makan sotong bakar!