Macam banyak je tahun ni kuih raya as ramai duk kasik... Tahun ni my brother and moi will be driving sendiri balik JB. Horrors! As I never drive more than an hour before and out of KL. Hehe...
Still at the office feeling immensely bored. Menaip blop sambil main game worms at my phone. Game Worms ni tak adil. Ade ke patut bile tiba nak kasik weapon je, my team punyer mesti masuk air. Hoh!
Still haven't paid my zakat fitrah yet. Will be doing this today, obviously. I like to procrastinate.
Selamat Hari Raya Alisha, akak and abang adam.
And to all others out there. Abid dah balik Changlun dah. Tsk. Tsk.