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Wanton Blogging

I am angry tonight. For reason somewhat known but I will dismissed it later on and not voice to anyone. But I will only voice it now. It doesn't matter. Just angry.

Just finished watching Get Smart. Funny LOL. Didn't expect that it is going to be really funny since I kinda hate Steve Carrell. But he's OK.

Doesn't it annoyed you that here you are looking for a nice comfy shoes. You search like 2 or 3 months and after much search and dragging your driver along from one shop to the other, you finally found one that is close enough to the one you want. You bought it. Few weeks later, shoes like the one you want is popping up everywhere .. in colours you love and price that cheap. Either I am really fashion forward or it just plain sucks.

I am now in a search for a nice looking, not too high nor low pair of black heels. Of course I can't find it anywhere except for the one pricing above RM60. This means several weeks of searching. I bet that after I bought it, I will find loads even better and cheaper everywhere else.

My selsema had somewhat abated. Going to pop in the pills afterward.

Firefox 3 is kinda slow. And I absolutely loathed its "Smart Location Bar", its big ass title and logo/img is preventing me from seeing the link. Well not really preventing, more like limiting, distracting and altogether just pissing me off. Not too mention that whenever I typed in a url of a site it gives me insane results and is more of a hindrance than a help. What is so awesome about this ? Ugh. It is now "loathed". Currently am doing some quick fix to get that thing off my screen.

I am tired now.


yes you are fashion forward. i meanwhile fell under the fashion backward. im the fellow who bought the cool shoes/shirt/pants when its no longer cool. so can buy cheap. yeah.. you must hate people like me kan. cheap buggers

as for firefox 3.. honestly.. i dont get it. im sticking with the new Opera 9.5. faster browsing and built in RSS feed reader is the bomb. but like FF3 dia ada gak that weird wonky url suggestion box. i mean like wattehelll...

p/s: last night i watched hannah montana 3d. i curik the glasses from MPH. it really MEH jek. i dont see what the fuss about 3d technology. now. am i gay for watching that show?
Unta@Jitra said…
No u're not gay effi... pedo je kot hahahahaha... [insert Chris Hansen pic here]

Cakap pasal fashion... most of my shirts are in black or white... 95% of them... heran... maybe aku ade bias, kulit gelap cam aku ni xelok pakai baju kaler2 haha... sometime jeles gak tgk org kulit cerah slambe kodok je pakai baju kaler ape pon masuk... sokong Holland tp nk pki baju oren tamo...

It's been a while since aku shop beli baju/suar/etc... maybe sebab xde duit kot... hahaha

I'm using Firefox 3... dlo aku pengikut setia Opera... but then ade 1 site yg xleh nk bukak, aku install Firefox n terus tukar mazhab... blasphemy~

I have both installed in my PC :D

Spain Italy mlm ni meh2
Dils said…
haha.. hate people who buy cheap stuffs?

Nope. Hate is only for those yg beli branded stuffs but have lousy taste :O

Used to use Opera.. but back then it was a tad bit slower.. and I can't remember why I didn't continue. Maybe because I just couldn't be arsed to install it.

But I wonder whats wit all these location bar? I believe those are developed for the idiots and the old. I know exactly which address I need to go into. I sometimes prefer to go to the main page directly rather than the subpage. I don't need unnecessary hassle to do things that I already am capable of doing.

Those programmers/mozilla biggies explanation for that abomination are such i-know-whats-good-4-u-shut-up-idiots-user annoying that I am tempted to NEVER ever use firefox again.

But much too lazy. Added an add-ons to go back to the old location bar. If there is an upgrade or updates where they forced this again, I am switching to another browser pronto.

Take risk. I mean that... try many colors... though I would advise you against PINK. THAT would not suit you at all.

And you like that AWFUL bar?


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