Oh. Madness
Its like the air is closing down all around.
Butterflies should be killed upon meeting.
The door will be forever lost.
No one would ever find it again?
Fairytale ... is for the foolish.
And I smiled. I wondered if any of you would understand.
Its like the air is closing down all around.
Butterflies should be killed upon meeting.
The door will be forever lost.
No one would ever find it again?
Fairytale ... is for the foolish.
And I smiled. I wondered if any of you would understand.
i can't break the code..
Haiku for the bored maybe?
i don't think fairytale is for the foolish. its for optimist. alwyas love a good ending do they?
Its probably is a haiku!
This puisi is about growing up, and letting go of the inner child in you. Butterflies used to be things of wonderment and beauty, but when we grow up they're just nuisances. Fairytales used to be escapes into vast lands of adventure and fun, but now we're grown up, they're foolish. The door that Dila is talking about, is the door to that very fairytale land. The door to ones inner child. The door, is actually ones imagination.I think this poem was written in response to someone chastising Dila for being a dreamer, perhaps.