Note: My comments are highlighted in blue
What Your Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Means |
![]() Your eating style is gluttonous. If you like something, you're going back for seconds... no matter how full you are! <- totally me.. though I am trying to change You don't really have a sweet tooth. If you go for dessert, you tend to go for something light. <- yups2. Correct Your taste in food tends to be pretty flexible. You may crave sushi one night, and your favorite childhood recipe the next. <- Those who know me knows that I can get this insane craving for out of nowhere food whenever the mood strikes You are probably a fairly normal, upper middle class person. You don't rock the boat too often. <- not sure about the upper middle class. I lived humbly :P You are a tough person who isn't afraid to live life fully. There isn't a lot that scares you. You are laid back and extremely easygoing. You never make a fuss, and you try to enjoy every moment. Not sure about the other above 2 statements |
You Are Fairly Normal |
![]() You scored 55% normal on this quiz Like most people you are normal in some ways... But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too! Why You Are Normal: You prefer fiction to non fiction If given the choice, you would choose to have more money over more time You think glasses can make someone more attractive You think fishnet stockings are trashy You prefer ruffled potato chips Why You Aren't Normal: You are no longer with your first love (I think it is even rarer that people are with their first love) You eat the cupcake first You don't keep up with your horoscope (Its not even true meh...) You prefer your family to your friends If you had to, you rather live without laughter and still have music (with music... I can laugh) |
The True You |
![]() You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be together with you always, no matter when or where. <--- arrr? With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. <-- Hahaha. More like as much as I can with little money I had. You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. The hidden side of your personality tends to be methodical in your ways - with trouble adapting to the rules of society. <- yups. Methodical I am. You are the type of person who assumes that the world revolves around yourself. <- My fiance would totally hype this up and repeat this in CAPITAL. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out. <- Don't we all? |
You Passed 8th Grade Science |
![]() Congratulations, you got 6/8 correct! I AM NOT A TOTAL MORON |
You're Pretty Stupid |
![]() You got 4/10 questions right! It's probably time to get your head examined. You hardly know left from right. BUT MAYBE I AM A MORON AFTER ALL |
running out of things to hate on! WHAHAHA... oh sheeeeeyeett!
Resulted in this incredibly subpar post. Hahaha.
Effi? blogthings?
That does not compute.