I can give no reason as the above title is vague as hell.
Still awake. Fingers tapping in rythmn with Radiohead "Karma Police". My mind is in turmoil. The turmoil? Oh, dear blog. No question asked, no lies given.
Kinda disappointed on how the Season Finale of Greys turned out. I mean all these blogs and sites promised of this "Big Kiss". Gah! I saw it happening for all of the couple. I even kinda anticipated the kiss George have with Lexie. Though my imagination is more long drawn and more creative and in line with the Greys tradition... but hey! (and let's not get off track here) I did anticipated it. So nope, not surprise. Nor any of em is really big or make my insides all in knots... but the scene with Alex and Izzie is gut wrenching. And that scene... my insides goes all in knots. Tho I did anticipate that too.
What's the point of this post again? Oh. Yeah. Mind in turmoil and Radiohead cranked up high for my own personal emo time (That's how I deal with it.... so deal with it).
So Yoda. Yeah. Let's give this Indy 4 some review/thoughts.
Ohhh.. also a little warning : Spoiler line below..
Still awake. Fingers tapping in rythmn with Radiohead "Karma Police". My mind is in turmoil. The turmoil? Oh, dear blog. No question asked, no lies given.
Kinda disappointed on how the Season Finale of Greys turned out. I mean all these blogs and sites promised of this "Big Kiss". Gah! I saw it happening for all of the couple. I even kinda anticipated the kiss George have with Lexie. Though my imagination is more long drawn and more creative and in line with the Greys tradition... but hey! (and let's not get off track here) I did anticipated it. So nope, not surprise. Nor any of em is really big or make my insides all in knots... but the scene with Alex and Izzie is gut wrenching. And that scene... my insides goes all in knots. Tho I did anticipate that too.
What's the point of this post again? Oh. Yeah. Mind in turmoil and Radiohead cranked up high for my own personal emo time (That's how I deal with it.... so deal with it).
So Yoda. Yeah. Let's give this Indy 4 some review/thoughts.

Ohhh.. also a little warning : Spoiler line below..
These line of thoughts was taking event last night at 10pm till midnight at MBO Galaxy.
Around 10.08ishpm:
Goody. It start. Ah.... desert in the middle of US. Ok. Maybe we'll get some Native American history-adventure.
Around 10.10ishpm:
*pieces of jigsaw rapidly locking into their places* Desert. Middle of US. Army Base. God damn it. We have an alien story in our hand. And ooohh.. Cate Blanchett looked weird.
Lost track of time by then:
Nuclear Blast? The fuck? A refrigerator? Double f..? *facein1palm* They could make it an underground basement. An underground nuclear shelter BASEMENT that was being used regularly (ok.. prolly only by fanatic idiots) in the 60s by terrified US citizens of Russians nuclear attack and could be used in this scene which will make me forgive the senselessness of this. But no. Some writers obviously got lazy and just make refrigerator fly away from the blast unharmed while bigger and heavier thing obviously got turned into dust. Any natural laws of physics, chemistry, nature or anything that is remotely sensible is now thrown out for 2 hours.
Half an hour through the movie I think:
Yes. We geddit. Aliens obviously build all those Mayan pyramids and created the Sun calendar.
Some more times passed through:
Ooohhh. Karen Allen. Looked surprisingly unchanged. Grin still infectious.Hmmmm... Wondered if she dyed her hair.
An hour or more flew away:
Watching scenes of Indy going through the old temple of the Mayans. Scenes of National Treasure 2 seems to flash by in my mind. Scenes of Indy groping Mayan statues. Scenes of National Treasure 2 flashed through again. Scenes of Indy. Scenes of National Treasure 2. Hmmm... Spielberg prolly didn't anticipate that National Treasure was going to go through this plot line too.
Somewhere 10 mins before the credits rolls:
Gah! Why need to have flying saucer one. Why! Why! I accepted the alien readily after swearing silently. I accepted the crystal moving skeleton without question. Why do you have to ruin it for me by making the flying saucer fly!
Around 10.08ishpm:
Goody. It start. Ah.... desert in the middle of US. Ok. Maybe we'll get some Native American history-adventure.
Around 10.10ishpm:
*pieces of jigsaw rapidly locking into their places* Desert. Middle of US. Army Base. God damn it. We have an alien story in our hand. And ooohh.. Cate Blanchett looked weird.
Lost track of time by then:
Nuclear Blast? The fuck? A refrigerator? Double f..? *facein1palm* They could make it an underground basement. An underground nuclear shelter BASEMENT that was being used regularly (ok.. prolly only by fanatic idiots) in the 60s by terrified US citizens of Russians nuclear attack and could be used in this scene which will make me forgive the senselessness of this. But no. Some writers obviously got lazy and just make refrigerator fly away from the blast unharmed while bigger and heavier thing obviously got turned into dust. Any natural laws of physics, chemistry, nature or anything that is remotely sensible is now thrown out for 2 hours.
Half an hour through the movie I think:
Yes. We geddit. Aliens obviously build all those Mayan pyramids and created the Sun calendar.
Some more times passed through:
Ooohhh. Karen Allen. Looked surprisingly unchanged. Grin still infectious.Hmmmm... Wondered if she dyed her hair.
An hour or more flew away:
Watching scenes of Indy going through the old temple of the Mayans. Scenes of National Treasure 2 seems to flash by in my mind. Scenes of Indy groping Mayan statues. Scenes of National Treasure 2 flashed through again. Scenes of Indy. Scenes of National Treasure 2. Hmmm... Spielberg prolly didn't anticipate that National Treasure was going to go through this plot line too.
Somewhere 10 mins before the credits rolls:
Gah! Why need to have flying saucer one. Why! Why! I accepted the alien readily after swearing silently. I accepted the crystal moving skeleton without question. Why do you have to ruin it for me by making the flying saucer fly!
I was thoroughly entertain. I treat it as a ride. And it is enjoyable and I wouldn't mind seeing it again FOC. But damn alien flying saucer thingies ruined the ending for me.
But Harrison Ford would always be the "Now, Then, Forever" for me.
But Harrison Ford would always be the "Now, Then, Forever" for me.
here is a fanboy response to the whole nucleat freezer fiasco. At the end of The Last Crusade indy drank from the Holy Grail resulting in him turning into an immortal. no nuke will kill indy.sadly the Grail failed to banish Indy's fear of snakes! HA HA HA. ok that one snake scene in INDY4 was ROPCL ( rolling on pop corn laughing).
i did mention the National Tresure plot on low yat. and you know apa kata fanboys?
"it's not the same.. the golden city in NT is an OLMEC city. in indy its MAYAN.. so lain.Spielberg original one!"
don't u just hate fanboys?
lastly..... cate blanchett looks bizarre. but i still hit it. provided she wore her Galadriel Elf ear! HA HA
Yeah.. i kept on having flashback of National Treasure 2 , when I watched Indy 4. Esp the Mayan temple. Huhu.
Cate Blanchett is a chameleon. Her expression look like a cold blooded killer. She can make a soft expression and turn into a murderous cold one in a heartbeat easily.