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During the weekend, I was seized by a sudden attack to clean up my room. (Actually the girls were coming and the house is in a mess) Hahaha.

So from just wanting to bare-sweep the whole necessary surface and putting back a heaped piles of clothes into a respectable pile, it turned to upturning furnitures and moving boxes, stuffed lambs and bears and books and the many many bags out of the room to attack the dust bunnies. I am so buying surgical masks next time I am seize with this rare spring cleaning bout.

Anyway.. the spring cleaning is not that complete. As I am continuously distracted by many lost and found items in my rooms.(There are loads of thing that need to be buang and bills and important documents need to be labeled and simpan correctly which I simply got too malas after all that cleaning up ceased. And the house is still in a mess as I simply did not have time and of course too lazy to continue the bout of cleaning everywhere else). Seems like I have a lot of ... things. Am well aware that I am a garbage collector. I still have some of the tickets wayang from 5 years back and rifling things to put aside, I came across my old perfume. The GAP Blue 655. It still have some of its perfume left.

I couldn't snap the old bottle pic. It came up unclear when I snap. This is the best I could find. Maybe if I get a clear pic, I will put that up.

God. How I love that perfume. People used to comment on how awesome it smell... and I totally agree. It is my favorite and I used it sparingly (a.k.a hot dates .. well of course the occasional get together) since GAP had discontinued that line (or producing perfume itself? ). I bought it years back when I was at UK, and I couldn't find it anywhere at Malaysia. I also could not find any other perfume that can rival my absolute love of the smell of this perfume. CK Euphoria Blossom does come close though. But not quite there yet.

I sprayed some of its liquid mist on my wrist and continue to work. After 6 - 7 years, the perfume still smell as awesome as it does. And as I continue to resume attacking the dust bunnies, onslaught of memories of UTP days came on full attack as well. Nothing triggers memories faster than a whiff of a forgotten smell I say.

I remembered my old room back at Village 4 with its vivid color of yellow and blue, the room at the highest floor right at the corner mengadap the field and the old block of USM resident dorms building. I remembered the bi-weekly cleaning up of the room ... getting rid of the "serangga hijau" that sting like a bitch when it bites, off my table. I remembered sitting on a bed facing my laptop while snuggling my blanket and pillows typing away at my old laptop, smiling, replying to whatever nonsense that we are chatting about in the MiRC. I remembered getting ready for a night out for mewayang session with the girls and the guys. I remembered sitting in a car going out for dinner, and the guy remarked that my perfume smell great.

Oh, that small bottle of a perfume. How you are possessed with memories past.

p/s: If anyone know where I can get this perfume.... locally... do tell.


Spring cleaning? its summer dah. a bit late isn't it. but nevermind. i've been procastinating my spring cleaning since early march. my room now looks like the first episode of LOST. plenty of domestic debris like kacang, kuku kaki, coke bottles and hair. cool!

i dunno how that Gap perfume smells like. have you trie the local Gap store in One Utama. maybe they stock them.

as for my favourite perfume of all time it's got to be Eternity by CK. that perfume smells super sexy and reminds me of my first crush Kate Moss. Her beutiful cherubic mug was plastered all over London when the perfume came out and one of my exes loves using it. it is sexy coz there are loads of fun shit related to that smell. H A H A H A H A H A H A.
Dils said…
kuku kaki ? Hahaha.. oh... you are indeed in need of a wife.

Yeah.. I never really looked into the local GAP stores on their perfume. Maybe I'll start looking around. But my sis and everyone else on the WWW informed that particular line is gone.

I think we like a particular smell when a certain memory attached to that smell. Like peanut butter!


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