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Wicked enough

Finally, I had finish reading Wicked (The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of West) by Gregory Maguire.

Not the usual book cover, but the cover for the musical and also for my book. I do love this poster/cover, the way the lip curl upwards like a sardonic smile.

Love the first part(well the book had a lot of parts and chapters ).Well not exactly the first part. More like the early middle... the stories on how the Wicked Witch Elphaba and Galinda met at their university campus and how they become friends. I believe that is the only light part of the book (and maybe the only part of the book which I can pretty much relate to). I guess I like it because it have so much potentiality.

Afterwards... the stories got darker... and more twisted. It felt like a political uprising goes wrong. And I don't like Elphaba at all. She is perverse (even in her justification to make things right). But perhaps the author do not want to make Elphaba as misrepresented. More like to understand why she is so angry and for us to understand her reason for murder.

Oh dear. I can go on and on about this. The story is interesting even though at times its seems to feel like hints of the world current political situation and a tad bit preachy in a CS Lewis kinda way. However there a lot in the books I don't quite understand. Such as why does the Wizard gave the magic elixir, what exactly is the Grimmerie, what exactly does Doctor Dillamond studies, did the shoes came from the old Witch and if Galinda is really a powerful witch or merely a thoughtless one and what is Liir potentiality.. did he really speak to the carp?

A lot of the questions that plagued Elphaba and readers seems unanswered. Maybe the next answer will be in the next book?

I am not sure if I am a fan of his work. Am thinking of picking up "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" to see if I would continue reading.

Anyway, currently am reading Good Omens and I have a jolly good time reading all those 93 pages ( I am currently up to that particular page) so far.


Taqiyuddin said…
it's distracting how the white space in the book cover converge with your site's white space thus ruining the symmetry of the book cover. Maybe it suggest how the character in the book is skewed in it's moral parameters. However, i love the play of lightness and darkness of the witches wardrobe. Also, like you, i like the witch's smile. A contrasting red lips, curled in a knowing smile. Like a person listening to her plans unfolding in a perfect execution.
i'd give it two thumbs up.
Dils said…
Hahaha.. Oh yeah... when I was uploading it, I then remembered I didn't put any border.

Was much too lazy to do anything about it. But I kinda like the effect of my white space mingling with the cover of the book.. kinda like encompassing the character Elphaba.

Read it, Taqi. I am sure this is one book right up in your alley.
So this is not a chick lit right?. you know me. i'm allergic to one

By the way i was in Kino semalam and end up reading "Do travel writers go to hell?".. lol! i need to save up some dosh next month to get this book. its the funniest thing i've read in years. i was laughing in kino. much to the disgust of fellow bibliophile who were reading beside me

Dils said…
Definitely not a chick lit. Which is why I am interested in the Confessions of the Ugly Stepsisters. If it would go in the way of a chick lit... but I kinda doubt it .

"Do travel writers go to hell?"
Sounds like a self help book... or book like Mitch Albom which I hated. Huhu.

Does it have any plot in it?
Jannah said…
Yeah. Dils is reading Good Omens. Think of Johnny Depp as Crowley when you read the book. Swear will double the reading pleasure.
Dils said…
Ah ha. The devilment in his eyes does played well in that character.


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