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Girls Weekend Out + 1 Bodyguard


I felt like it had been a long time since I keep this updated. So I am back. After a not so long holiday and a busy week at the office.

I am still busy. Ni tengah sembunyi2 tulis blog ni.

Went to K. Terengganu the last weekend with the usual girls. The bodyguard ituh adalah husband Sheema yang datang from Kelantan to join us at Terengganu. The plan was for shopping and suntanning. Yeah right. *snickers* Like I am going to tan myself. Nope. The plan was for berendam di dalam air macam badak.

But it was a joyous weekend all around, because for the first time, sampai jugak di rumah Lini after planning it years after years. Now let me list the thing we did, pick it off from my head.

We went shopping. (Duh!) That is actually one of the main reason mahu ke Terengganu. I bought songket(s) and a little something for the family and family-to-be. Also keropok ikan parang mesti jua in the must buy list as been reminded by my mom again and again. The others, well... I don't really keep track the things I bought, need I keep track on what others shop?

Eating (Every trip will not be complete without at least 1 sumptuous meal thrown in)
The seafood was delish and cheap. Gosh. I don't care if its subpar as long as its cheap. Jangan ikan itu rentung sudah la. Not a picky eater here.

Island visit
Went to Pulau Kapas for a day trip. Most of us are broke for various reason. Therefore day trip is the best for us as we are staying at Lini's house.

The cost around 45rm per head for the boat trip and snorkelling. Went to Kapas Island by speedboat.

A much better transport for me yang cepak 'mabuk'. Not bad. Beautiful sand and a much more beautiful water. The water was clear, emerald green loveliness and the sand is well.. sandy la kan. (Apekah perlu aku gush pasal pasir jua?)

I didn't take the snorkelling thingies, but I did try it out and I guess you are right Seri. It is fun to see all those fishes and I guess with the right underwater visibility, it is quite ok. As long as the fishies stay the hell away from me.

Didn't get enough time to really 'berendam' in the water like a dead log, but I finally get to kayak after several years of wanting to grip the paddle again. More than satisfied, as I realized that I am not as fit as before and after 20 mins in the water I then just remembered the usual skills to quickly navigate the canoe. Tsk. Tangan and badan adalah sangat perit afterwards. My muscle are obviously screaming from disuse.

What can I say more? It was great. I manage to buy the thing I want. I manage to canoe and berendam. I didn't even get sunburn. Semestinye lah kan after menepek a vastful amount of sunscreen and whateverumaycallit to all exposed skin. *skin cancer is a serious thing, ehem*

I did however get a little tan and it is to be expected. And I kinda like the slight tan look. Huhu.

So that's my catitan for the day. Sebelum saya berundur, saya ingin mengakhirkan post ini dengan gambar saya yang tak brape clear di pantai yg nikmat.

I look mighty short! And dumpy! Gah!

Sekian, Terima Kasih.

p/s 1 : I hope I still would not need to remind readers that my posts are usually severely lacking of pics due to me not having any camera and sometimes camera phone is just not suffice. Also the gamba provided above is all from Shima very nice and effective camera. Heehe. Aku cilok ye shima, and kali ni aku tak letak gambau2 yg tidak snonoh :P

p/s 2: Gamba clear hanya dishare bersama org tertentu sahaja. Heeee

p/s 3: Thanks lini, kerna sudi kasik kami crash di rumah anda and membawa kami yang banyak songeh ni berjalan merata2 .



such a tease. the infamous dils chipsmore picture trick is back! ja ja ja!

KAPAS? hmm.. should go there as well bila got the time. btw. me moms a big fan of keropok ikan tamban.apparently it taste better. maybe la kot. coz i have to buy a few bags full of it for home use. what else? oh ya. my body creaked and broke down in shame the moment i reached KL. shoulders and kneecaps seems to be made of rust lately. can't believe that snorkelling aje can reduce me to a wreck these days. note to self: do plenty of yoga to give myself more flexibility! ho ho..
Dils said…
dils chipmores pic? I usually did that eh. Haha..

My hand just hurt of kayak. But I don't snorkel nor swim. Hehe... and you must had been spending 8 hours in a water kut.

When you nk sleep on a bed, tak rase macam atas laut ke? Macam dihayun2 ombak. I always hate that when it happened. Huhu.
Jannah said…
Oh rindunya pulau kapas. Wonder that scandal i left on the island is still available or not. heh. don't you love the blue, real blue sea?
Dils said…
Ah yes, you did go to Pulau Kapas for some teacher training or course thing right?

Oh yes... The sea is heavenly.. and there is something wonderful about the breeze too.


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