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Showing posts from July, 2006

Wangi Jadi Saksi

I just got back from watching Wangi Jadi Saksi from Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Being naturally lazy, and I don't think so I am adept in writing synopsis regarding theatre, this is the excerpt from Axcess website, " the story of Hang Jebat's betrayal and murder, as told through the eyes of his young widow Dang Wangi, as she confronts those accountable for her husband's death. Using flashbacks and flash-forwards, Jebat's confrontations with his comrades and nemesis are revealed through a provocative new interpretation of this historical and legendary event ." Got all excited to watch this since I would love to see Vanida Imran up close (even though in a theatre and hundreds metres away) and I love the story of Jebat and Tuah. There is this one painting I always remembered, of Tuah and Jebat fighting and tombak and lembing are sticking out from the floor. So, my interest was piqued, thus I bought the tickets. Manage to get to Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in the...

Dead Man Chest

I am feeling.. dumb today. I can almost feel my brain liquidifying and turning to mash? mesh? mush? What is the correct word? See see.. I told you I am feeling dumb today. I felt used, tired and oh so jaded with people today. But not that dark yet. Just a wee bit step away to completely hating mankind, so I transfered my affection to a non-entity. Which is none. Now. I don't make any sense. Okay. Explaining mode on. Kinda like, Davy Jones-wise, I am putting my tiny beating heart into a chest and kept the key. Well, except I don't tore my heart away, since it can be a bore to track those who will steal my heart for an organ donor. More like freezing it so that it can non feeling but just let it live enough so I won't be completely dead. Herm, probably that is why a chest is called a chest. Because we stored something inside of chest. Thus our chest stored our heart too. Man. I am weird today. Before I am spouting more nonsensical stuff, let's look at the state of the wor...

All pointing that..

I got too much time on my hand. Nah. I am just bored and discontented. Anyway... being necessarily bored and fabulously nonchalant about it. (Just felt like throwing big words around even though it might be wrong) , I typed this and wallaa. All 10 signs pointing you are dating/seeing/marrying a sugar daddy-0. This is in no way related to any particular person *snickers* 1. Minus the 1 million in his bank account, you wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. 2. Rummaging through your father closet for his digital camera, you found yourself staring at the same kemeja batik color and design your date wore to a formal dinner you both attend. 3. When both of you accidentally met his long lost friend, his friend remarked how fast and beautiful you had grown. 4. He have a bigger space in the bathroom shelves for his medication pills. 5. He knows more about anti aging cream than you do. 6. He woos you the old fashion way. Flowers. Jewellery. Fancy restaurant which other Datins don't fre...

Silent of the World.

I wish weekends are 5 days instead of 2. My weekends nowadays are pretty busy. I have so many DVDs to go through rather than just aimlessly go out on the weekend!! I went on a Buffy marathon the past days. Love me some Buffy. Just manage to only finish Season 1 (Well, I also have the business of playing Diner Dash 2). 5 more seasons to go through! Spike haven't appear yet in Season 1. So I am anticipating the moment when I watch Season 2. Yeay~ Forgot to bring my sweater today. So I am kinda numb and unable to think clearly because of the cold. The office is freezing because there are a few thick skin personas who will sweat profusely if the aircond is above 24C. On world news today, the world is agog with war with Israel bombing Lebanon left and right. I don't follow world news much nowadays so I am a bit fuzzy on the details.(yeah, yeah, dumb gal.. but world news are so depressing anyway). But I bet if Siti indeed will announce her marriage today, THAT piece of news will go t...

'Tis Friday. Rejoice.

But I felt so azure blue. Waitaminute. Its Friday. Its the day every employee felt joy when its approach. But I just got back from a head spinning training for the new product release. (if you can call a recording video presentation by someone on the other side of the planet a training). And I felt like crying. New product release. That is the understatement of the past 2 years. Everything looks different than the one we are used to. When we were in university, as lowly naive students we had learnt this term. " User or employee resistance to new technology ". This term are coined as a negative aspect? force? obstacles? when a company wanted to use new technology or an upgrade. As greenhorn and our snotty nose rather than stucks between textbooks we rarely read but up on the air looking disdainful of the people who don't know to use computer and we ourselves proclaimed we are technology savvy, we don't exactly understand why should this should be a major problem. But i...

Click. Click.

World cup is over. Boohoo.. the jam packed road are starting again as usual. Funny how things like school holidays and World Cup can make the road seems much more 'spacier'. Got nothing to update. Maybe I am bored or I am just a bore. But actually I got things to do. *snickers* Actually I am playing game at the office. Haih. Why? Well, it makes me more productive. Play some game, do some work. Play 1 level, do one task. That is productive, rather than I just stare moodily at the screen contemplating what in the world is their problem are. The game kinda rushes some adrenalin surge through my brain. Excuses Excuses. But hey, its true. I got a lil cold in the head as what my Anne-ish book always said. So everything seems, soo not worth it to think about at the moment. This kinda jolt it up a bit. But let's just enjoy the downtime of the proxy and enjoy the game while we still can. Oh yeah, before any of you boys get all excited and ask if I play some games *roll eyes* alike...

Stay Alive

Come come. I kinda ... well.... how you say it.. malas? To put up a new post. Not so much because I detest typing. Hey, that what I do every day on my work. Type type type. Just that I sooo like love looking at Kirsten Bell pic at the top of my blog. Sigh. ( I am still on Veronica Mars fever but can't watch the later episodes due to hectic schedule in my life and other impending series needed to watch. Oh and the other little thing I still have not finish downloading) Probably I will put another fan girl button down my blog *grin foolishly*. Anyway. A couple of weeks back, deciding to give my brother a treat before he went to the grind of study life (study life? grind? yeah,right) I 'belanja' him to watch Stay Alive. If those who are observant and have memory that hard to erase, I put that up as the thing I wanna watch in my blog. I just want to watch it since it have Samaire Armstrong, Milo Ventigmilia and Frankie Muniz in it. Oh, not to mention Sophia Bush. But I don...

The fever I call Veronica Mars

Yeayyy!!!! Why? Why would I be yeaying? Those who didn't know. I am kinda obsessed with Veronica Mars now. Been watching the series like a marathon. Thank you lan for introducing me to this rockin series~ Pictures taken from Source . And I just finish watching Episodes 18.... and MAJOR spoiler ahead to those who haven't watched the series and hate spoilers, Veronica and Logan kissed. Yeay... To those unfamiliar of the Neptune world, the summary of the story is Veronica Mars and his father is an outcast at Neptune town and the her high school. This happened after his father the then sheriff accused a father of Veronica Mars BFF, Jack Kane of killing his own daughter Lilly Kane. Jack Kane, who is the owner of a multi billion?million? a software company much loved by the people, was upheld innocent by the whole town bringing the town to persecute Veronica father, Keith and herself at her own high school. Keith Mars refused to back off from his town, and stayed to open up a PI co...
