Damn it. Sometimes some peoples just get on my nerves.
I feel too much of a rage today. So I just give an example below.
The Hello Are You There type. I had just picked up the phone.
" Hello, XXX speaking . Welcome ..."
" Hello! Hello!" . The customer from afar shouted
" Hello, yes. How may.." . I was cut off.
" Hello, Are you there? Hello?" . He shouted again.
Deep breath. Probably bad line. Probably a little deaf.
" Hello. Yes. I am here. " Rolled my eyes upwards. Not again.
" Hello, this is (some blardy name) from.. Hello. Are you there? Hello "
" Yes. I am still here" . Tapping my finger on the desk impatiently.
" Okay. Yes. I have a problem with... Hello. Hello." Does he have like a disease to say Hello for every one second? The line sounded good. And he can hear me. I don't even have the chance to speak much , since he is Hello-ing away so much.
" Yes. I am listening" . Gritting teeth now while saying this.
" Ah yes. Well.. I have problems with ... Hello... Hello" I am happily throttling him in my mind.
I swear. If he was in front me, I would have smashed his head into the floor.
K-ran is the champ with filler words. This is the case where I think you need to enter every oh ah and hmmm into every seconds of the conversation. Ever heard patience? How can I know what you want if I don't listen and talk at the same time?
I feel too much of a rage today. So I just give an example below.
The Hello Are You There type. I had just picked up the phone.
" Hello, XXX speaking . Welcome ..."
" Hello! Hello!" . The customer from afar shouted
" Hello, yes. How may.." . I was cut off.
" Hello, Are you there? Hello?" . He shouted again.
Deep breath. Probably bad line. Probably a little deaf.
" Hello. Yes. I am here. " Rolled my eyes upwards. Not again.
" Hello, this is (some blardy name) from.. Hello. Are you there? Hello "
" Yes. I am still here" . Tapping my finger on the desk impatiently.
" Okay. Yes. I have a problem with... Hello. Hello." Does he have like a disease to say Hello for every one second? The line sounded good. And he can hear me. I don't even have the chance to speak much , since he is Hello-ing away so much.
" Yes. I am listening" . Gritting teeth now while saying this.
" Ah yes. Well.. I have problems with ... Hello... Hello" I am happily throttling him in my mind.
I swear. If he was in front me, I would have smashed his head into the floor.
K-ran is the champ with filler words. This is the case where I think you need to enter every oh ah and hmmm into every seconds of the conversation. Ever heard patience? How can I know what you want if I don't listen and talk at the same time?
Apsal post aku tanak kuar nih. Takperlah aku tulis hello jer lah. Muahahaha.
Sabarlah dila..
Cuma kenkdg rase maw jerit je or hang up the phone.
but u r good.
Not a Hello Are Yoe There type.
"salah number la"
"saya tau ni number dia jgn tipu"
"saya efi bukan eric"
"ni bukan XX xxxxxxx"
"betul dah number salah orang"
"awak jgn main2, mana Eric"
"kan aku dah kata salah number"
"cepat la mana Eric"
macam ni pun aku penah kena. BIZARRO! be thankful on what u gave...
Effi: I guess only hanging up the phone will jolt his/her senses
I think after 1 month on the job, u had long past cared.
Heh, sungguh direct to the point.