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Showing posts from February, 2006

Seize the Moment

I had a dream last night. Just as so someone wouldn't misunderstand me when I say 'Mimpi Best' :p, Nooo. Not that dream lar. Actually it is more harmless than what he perceived. I dreamt I was interacting with this guy. We were not doing anything for your information to the dirty minded. More like planning on some events and he bake cake (I must be really hungry even when I slept) and I woke up when our hands touch. The guy? The tall, fair looking, longish hair. (The type I usually catch myself lookin at). And I really hate to wake up because that guy is so familiar to me. Thinking back when on my bed. I remembered who the guy my dreams reminded me of. I did not dreamt of him actually. More like someone look like him. Better looking. (Well, it is my dream. I can make my dream guy as handsome as I want whut). Anyway. I got to thinking that we had not contacted each other for a long time. And who's fault is that? Me or Him? I noticed him when I was first being interviewed...

Memes or Tag. It comes in 4.

I had been tagged yet again by both Shu and Kran on the same tag. Since both are actually the same saved for slightly different topics and all, so this is the combo of it. Here it is: Four Jobs I've Had: 1) Trainee at BCF 2) Trainee at Petronas Carigali 3) Tech Support thingies at McAfee 4) Babysitter (count eh.. ) Four Movies I Like or Can Watch Over and Over: 1) While You Were Sleeping (Yes , yes I am a hopeless romantic.. moving on please) 2) A Few Good Men (The time when Tom Cruise was considered The Hotness, sigh) 3) Sky High (So I am childish.. yeah so?) 4) Silence of the Lambs. ( Herm, Clarice~) Four Places I had Reside/Lived/Spent Some Time of My Life: 1) JB, Johor 2) KB, Kelantan 3) Bentong, Pahang 4) Canberra, Australia Four Television Shows I Loved to Watch: 1) CSI 2) Gilmore Girls 3) Grey's Anatomy 4) Reality Shows featuring beautiful girls (Survivors is out since all girls there are scruffy and dirty and beauty with makeup had been proved exist) Four Places I Hav...


You know how guys like to blame gals who are in a bad mood because of PMS? And you know how gals can give lame excuse for being horrible because of PMS? To tell you the truth , there is a grain of truth for that. Some guys went on and on, why does it happened? Why does their gf suddenly lashed out at them? To quote Vincent , its not their fault that we are bleeding. Those kinda remarks is a bit irritating. And usually girls will say... " No , I am not!!! " which of course after saying this, the girl will then look like Medusa , where in spite of hair of snakes, she will have hair like fires, and eyes slit menacingly and the guy who had just before this been complaining of PMS took a step back and mumbled about something like " Dunno " or " Gotta go ". I don't like blaming things on PMS. But sometimes despite trying to deny the fact of life, I saw that I can be a tad bit emotional during those PMS times. I mean really emotional. And really bad moodine...


Valentines day. Yeah, right. It really does irk me when peoples say ' kafir la sambut Valentine day' . When actually this kind of peoples ( I am of course talking about Moslem) is the one boozing and clubbin and think women are toys. Excuse me, while I puke when you lectured me about. Man , I don't need that kind of lectures from that kind of peoples. You know what? Sod it. I don't feel like blogging anyway. Not about Valentine. Not about going back to JB. Not about feeling shitty because of something that I couldn't comprehend on what's the hell went wrong or gone bad. Why? As I always say. Does anyone ever care? Really? You care an uppance of what I might say? Or you are just trying to find something to twist me around and let me writhe? Let me just laugh.


There are many times I blogged when I don't have any topic in mind. I probably have in my mind like half a dozen. But they were all .... unusable. In term of, fear of expressing myself which may lead others to think otherwise. This would then bring me even more discomfort. This human to human relationship. Family to family is easy yet somehow tasking. You can't choose your family. Therefore they are force to take you as you are. All those weakness and messiness and ugliness of characters . Nose picking and walking around nekkid and throwing towel on the floor things. Tasking , yes. But acceptance is necessary. But.. sometimes our family don't suffer the brunt of all our characteristics. Beside family to family relationships. One of the most incredibly hard is other peoples and you. They don't know who you are. They are no mind readers. We don't know what they think of us too. And it is frustrating at least. Of all superpowers of superheroes I envy, is mind reading. ...

The Bachelor

Oh, the time has come again! Remember around this time last year I got so hooked on The Bachelor and I gave weekly commentary on it? Well, I don't really like reality shows. But really. This I gotta see. Last year Bachelor is kinda like a wuss to me. This year. Wow. I like. Definitely my type. He is an ER doctor. If I am hospitalised, I want him to be my doctor. Seriously, very cute. The way he talks reminded me a lil bit of Logan from Gilmore Girls. By the way his name is Travis. And why ar, whenever they showed the Bachelor having a good time, it must be playing football and running around with dog. How typical and boring. Probably if it is the Bachelorette, it will shows the girl walking down the beach , at almost sundown, one hand holding back wind blown hair. ::yawning while remembering image:: And it made me remembered, reading the profiles of all the girls on the perfect date, half of them said something around like candlelight dinner, or sitting at fireplace, or spa, or wal...

Another rant going your way to make your Monday

An update is pending since you know , weekends meant update. And the weekend is over. Officially over now. As of so many things. I am feeling a tad blue today. Not feeling so hot since got back from picnicking at Air Terjun Tekala (or whatever it called). Right now I am feeling oh so disgusted with a guy. I meant why... why.. does he pick me! Blargh. No. I am not talking that he is displaying something like an interest to yours truly. But he is just so interested in talking about his gf (whom I couldn't care less), his opinion on women (which I think is crap since he is one of the lowest of the low guys I ever met), or being his helpdesk tech know it all asking everything from torrent to 3gp files. Pleaseee. I am so tired of being ask techie question on my job, I want to forget it all when I am at home. I felt like ranting. Why? Oh why would anyone ask anyway. I meant some peoples just misunderstood half of what I say, some peoples couldnt care less. Now lets pick a topic to rant a...
