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The Island

Today I don't feel so hot. No idea why. Anyway, last night just went to see The Island. Nice movie better than Fantastic 4. Definitely the money to waste here.

It started cool enough, with all these clones living in a seclusion believing they will go to the Island. Then one person starts questioning is there more than the Island? Why are they all so monotonous, wear whites, wear same dress, shoes everyday. Then boom.. reality hit and out they goes running. You can almost say typical.

Nonetheless, it is a nice typical movies with plenty of boom and action. Not like Fantastic 4 where I was waiting where the real action gonna start and seen that it had already finished. Someone mentioned that the car chase would be something worth to watch as in the last Matrix. But.. it is not that cool as some car chases like Italian Job or Matrix. It is just nice. Told you it is a nice typical movie. But since I am a gal.. so probably I am not that great a judge regarding special effects. But.. in these movies it is kinda lacking. Probably they are going for the times before CG makes a great impact in special effects. Everything was fast. You could not see what they were doing while chasing each other. Everything is like a blur to me and makes me kinda dizzy. I was feeling like puking by the end of the movie.

Anyway, I would paid RM 11 (in my case) to watch Ewan Mcgregor with Scottish accent. It is kinda fake... nonetheless he is just too cute. Scarlett Johansson looks.. almost too perfect.. kinda like plastic to me. But they does goes well together. Hermm.. Ewan Mcgregor do looks great with icy blonde beauty.

So.. I think I know why I am not feeling so hot today... must be the after effects watching The Island. I also had just finish reading the 2nd time reading Half Blood Prince. Shocking aight dila. Just to gain more perspective. The outcome? I did.


Anonymous said…
bukan kat ofis bole dgr scottish accent ke? kenapa kena bayar 11 ringgit? *pelik*
Dils said…
bcoz you are missing out the too cute face..

No do not say I am cruel.. you goaded me into saying that..

again Ewan McGregor ::swoon::
Anonymous said…
Quote "But since I am a gal.. so probably I am not that great a judge regarding special effects."

What is the relationship between a gal and judging special effect, anyway?
Dils said…
Bcoz some gals dont really take much concern about special effects.. unless it is too cheesy for words..

depends on the gal la, but from whut i seen.. they dont really observe it. as for the guys.. u shud see the ranting of the guys on special effects after watching cinema with em
Anonymous said…
hmmm im not into those special effect thingy i guess. oh my God! Im not normal!


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