I was bored. I have no idea on which site I would surf on. How ironic that when you finally get unlimited access to Internet you lose interest to search on the topics you want to search when you were connected to Dial Up and do not have Internet at work. So I opened Google and Yahoo! and begun to type in randomly the word:

So I found out the above. The picture is an armband for a band name .. well it is that obvious to you aight! The band, it seems to me is a:
So.. it is like a punk band. They were playing around the late 70s. Click on the above picture to get more information about the band.
And the other not so cool info I gathered on Google about my particular nick Dils is DILS 2005 — Data Integration in the Life Sciences; like new forum to gather all those research. But hey.. science is sometimes cool too.
Well.. thats all folks. I could not get more boring than this.
I am hungry. In search for food.
Disclaimer:: All pictures are taken from this site. Just for information and partly deco purposes::
lol... i tot i was d only one...
I think everybody is like that. except for tamin. he do have something to surf all the time.