Why does my heart cried
Feelings I can't fight
You betrayed me
But just don't deceived me
And please believe me when I say I love you
[From the movie Moulin Rouge]
And why didnt he?
He's playing hot and cold.. hot and cold with me. I can't stand it. Yet I always come back for more. I am a true blue masochist. I don't even ask him to love me. I just ask him to miss me. And he couldnt even do that.. or say it. I just want to see his face once more. To see his lovely smiles, his small laugh. Why couldn't I forget him. When he could so easily dismissed me.. he could just easily come back and messed my sense and sensibility.
While my tears fall down to my keyboard, yet at the same time I was making jokes and soothing him telling him "no worries". I don't ask for much... a smile, a pat on the hand.
I miss him so much. Yet I am so afraid to let it shows. Becoz then if I show it... it will hurt 10 times more.
it was never my intention to be cold
why dont u just tell him? maybe he felt the same way too. i bet he is.
He never reply
Thats why i said it hurt 10 times more
i've never thought u will do such thing. and i've never thought somebody will act that cold towards u. maybe he is blind
u answer this and i'll answer urs. hehe
he's special
to me..
most guy i knew already have a special girl..
who are you again?
we can do this for a yr u know
yeah..who am i is doesnt matter. we are talking about u rite? not me.
so, who is this him again?
He is the person who's in my YM yesterday and yet didnt say hi...
So did you?
But if you are the "man", he probably know how i felt already since I had told him last year.
So I guess you are not that man. Since you are unsure
hmm no.
told him last yr?
hmm no too.
i am hoping though i am that man, but am not.
hey that's not the question. u are not answering
and u did not answer my question in the least =p
sure lucky this guy. being loved by u this much
Nahh.. ur not bothering me
Only I just want to know who you are
Im bored at the office pon
by the way, why did that guy being cold to u? He got a gf already ke?
And my world don't come crashing down, only suddenly it all seems so empty and pointless.
no no i am not ur officemate. why meh? somebody in the office stalked u too? hehehe
Herm.. rship generally goes to that direction eh? But im not thinking of marriage at such an early stage. Come to think of it, i dont even ask for a rship. Men.
No lah.. no one stalked me. Just wanna eliminate all possible suspects aje.
How did u tell him eh? I mean when u tell him u miss him. Talked personally ke? Ke sms aje? Ke talked through phone ke? Ke asked other people to tell him?
why? which way would u prefer?
No lah. just kidding.
Where did u know this guy anyway
This is from the guy who as I quote "i wont tell u who am i. Malu. Afraid of rejection. hehehe"
as fellows taqi said.. utpians tend to date utpians.
hmm...(thinking deeply)
I guess he's rite.
Arghh who is this guy, who manage to steal your heart?
Who he is no longer matter aight. I already had my answer, and I would be a fool to ask him again. and again. Hahaha
Esok cuti yeay!
how cruel u are .. seriously
But tah ler
that whut just plain cruel
still pursue that guy or wait for another prince charming?
The thought of love is dreary at the moment.
Left it to fate so to says.
If only it can be that easy
just dont have anythin to add.
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