Husband gone back to Turk early Sunday. On Sunday tu rumah macam kena tornado la budak kecik mengumbah. I only manage to semi kemas malam tadi -_- .
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Baju tu.. Adorable but cheeky. |
Little Aziz boy ni pulak suke tidur bangun-bangun, so agak susah to do things. Malam tadi la quite ok die bangun sekali je. Hari Ahad tu... setiap 10 mins.. Selagi I am not on bed, selagi tu die tanak tidor. And die dah tidur, I sneak keluar dan do stuffs ( sterilising, cleaning, washing of dishes..) tak sampai 10 mins die bangun and nangis. Sheesh. You know they always say enjoy your time now when your kid is clingy sebab bile dah besar they don't want to sleep on top of you, be hug by you as much. I always have to remind myself of this when he is being extra clingy at night!
Since baru lagi I am fending for myself, so tengah kelam kabut lagi la. However, it is ok, sebab usually I reached home lewat.. 7.30pm sampai tu awal la tu., my sister maid fetch the little boy from taska around 6 pm and she took care of him in the mean time and Aziz akan main dengan cousin2 die... so I usually have time to settle the cats need and mandi and solat bile sampai rumah. I usually eats at my sister house pon if I am alone. So I have help. Things are not bad. Kena adjust jee. Tak terbayang if sensorangg je.
But I know of other mothers who can do it, so I do believe women ni flexible. We bitch and moaned and complained this and that and thus... but if it gets down to it... we will manage. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going .. is what I think most women adheres to. Macam perempuan yang kena amik duit zakat sebab laki tak guna die duk main game je tanak keje. Mana boleh survive zakat je, mesti die kerja and all untuk bagi makan laki tu dan anak-anak die jugak. Cuba kalau perempuan tu keluar dengan anak-anak die tinggalkan. Mati kejung kat dapor kut jantan tu. Tataw nak buat ape. Tetiba masuk topik tu. Haha. The thing is .. most guys if tasked with being left alone with their kid will hantar their kid to kampung. Perempuan ni.. cakap je nak hantar.. tapi takut anak rindu laa ( cakap je anak rindu.. tapi sebenarnye kite rindukan anak) so hempas pulas jugak la untuk pandai hidup. Ni baru sorang anak.. kalau lebihhhh... kalau twin???
Macam pagi tadi, dah settle mop atas and dapur, mandikan anak, I pon mandi, hantar dak kecik gi taska, bagi kucing makan, baru perasan kunci kereta tadek. Kelam kabut cari.. then teringat I last put it in Aziz punye beg taska. Dah kena pergi taska balik dengan malunye hahaha. Naseb baik memang ada. Yang Aziz tu pulak, bile pintu taska tu bukak die first sekali menerpa pintu. Alahai kesiannye. Tapi dia tengah comot2 sebab die orang tengah breakfast, makan ape tah. Dah ambik kunci nak balik.. Aziz pon drama air mata balik tengok mak die datang tapi tak ambik die balik. Kesiannye.. Takpela. It is gonna be a long weekend nanti.