It felt that it is so fast.
A bit tired from tukar duit at bank tadi. Beratur around half an hour to change money.
Tak best langsung.
I bought a new Crocs which I had eyeing before. Before it was RM200++ but now it is RM99. Tapi bile dah pakai lama2. Tak best. So dengan itu I nak beli new shoes that I had been eyeing before which looks and rase comfy. Dan I perasan all my shoes are now rubber shoes ( macam crocs tu, if not crocs itself).
My Note 2 sekarang buat hal. Battery refused to charge, or drain. It is one or the other. Senang cerita kena beli battery baru. Haih. Last month I dropped my phone and the screen pecah. Not retak, but memang pecah la. Immediately kena repair, that is RM800 down the drain. Ni tukar battery ape pulak rege ni. Maybe I am better off with Xperia Z. Grrr.
I am enjoying watching Orphan Black. It is only 10 eps, but they are good. It can get a bit OTT sometimes, but the acting is impressive. Apart from that, I am also watching Hannibal and Parenthood. Parenthood is delightful although this season is a bit heavy on the cancer stuffs. Hannibal is quite good, cuma ick factor when the cannibal elements tu masuk. Dengan itu I can't wait for the new seasons of series to start as my series is running out. *check bile first eps Downton Abbey dah kluar* *damn keluar in Sept* I guess I will watch The Americans next then.
Also ever since the twt_malaysia talks about anime and manga, I am back to reading manga. Lagi2 sejak download app Manga Rock. Lagii laa obsessed baca. Am now reading High School of the Dead. It got some hilarious ecchi stuffs. Tadi masa tunggu at bank and bukak phone to baca manga, boleh pulak the page yang bukak tu tunjuk all those nekkid shoujo looking girls. Stress kejab as the guy at behind me memang bebetul behind me so boleh je nampak what I am watching. Besar pulakk tu tunjuk the tits. LOL. And yes it is not good to read it during Ramadhan, but to be fair, before it open up to that page in inappropriate place, there is not much nekkid things going on for th manga. So I switch to read Emma and the Earl which is Julia Quinn in manga form.
As for last post when I say I tak pergi pasar ramadhan, by now I had only went 3 times. Twice to the small row of gerai yang opened at Bukit Antarabangsa. I prefer going there now sebab ade gerai jual apple crumble, strawberry and blueberry pie yang sedap. Sebelah tu pulak jual lemonade mint air yang also sedappp. The kuih and lauk there pon is quite good. My bro in law bought sup daging die one day and it tasted homemade. Kalau order kat kedai sup sup ni kadang-kadang there is one taste that I don't like, macam over msg ing or rempah sup die guna saks ke.. tapi gerai yang jual ni their soup is very good. Sedap lah. Hmmm ingat balik sedap pulak the pies. Still have some of the strawberry pies in the fridge.
So later.
Ajis boy will turn 1 year old this Saturday! Oh my. Good timing that his father will be back hari Sabtu tu jugak so we plan untuk berbuka di luar. Mommy will order Ajis boy punye cake and eat it too. Planning to shopping raya for Aziz that Saturday pon.
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Wolly tu memang suke teman Aziz main. Aziz tu pulak mesti punggah barang mainan kucing tu. Mainan die die buat dek |
Akak sekarang ni nak tengok the following baru download dua hari lepas. Pun tengah tunggu Downton Abbey. The Newsroom s02 pun dah keluar jugak. Lagi satu House of Cards pun best jugak, dik.
Wolly tu memang rajin teman. Weekend saya kasik kucing2 ni keluar rumah, tapi kalau Ajis ade Wolly mesti tanak keluar. Die nak tunggu bile Ajis nak main dengan die.