Update basi ni, balik Bintulu ni dah 3 minggu lepas kut.
We started out first on Ajis first flight.
We started out first on Ajis first flight.
It was terrible. LOL. Ajis ni memang ada masalah nak tidur tengahhari and flight tengahhari is kinda disaster. Masa takeoff it was ok enough I gave him bottle, and he slept around an hour. Sempat la I makan dulu. Habis je makannn.. terus bangun, and seeing there is not much space, he was cranky afterwards. So husband brought him back and forth the plane, then there was turbulence and he was cranky at the back of the plane since he was stuck there.
So the stewardess took turn in holding him because my son dont like guys holding him. LOL. During touchdown, I can hear him crying and can't do much about it because have to be strapped in... Sebab tu la bile keluar plane je cuak tengok Ajis muka naik macam ruam2 merah sebab he cried so much. Kesian baby.
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Naik merahhhh |
The next plane ride going back to KL I was much more prepared. The plane is also not full so we got an entire row for ourselves which make it easier for me to breastfeed him ( Ajis tak suke breastfeed tempat sempit2. I think because I am uncomfortable, so he is uncomfortable too) . And I asked husband to not walk him back and forth because once that start, he will cry if we sit down. So I entertain with all sort of sounds and songs since we are not sitting so close to other people to irritate the hell out of them. Entertain la die, sampai mummy die naik motion sickness. Naseb baik tak muntah je. So bile balik tu tadekla die nangis sangat, start nangis je mummy tuka lagu, games puting. Fuhhhhhh.. penat la I tell you. Dalam kepala... wahh ini baru 2 jam lebih. Cuba kalau 8 jam plane ride. Maw aku suruh plane stop aku balik naik kapal dengan Ajis.
So that is his first plane ride. I am hoping the next subsequent rides will be much easier since he will be older. Aminnn.
The family at Bintulu was overjoyed seeing him. Suka benar main-main with him. He laughed most of the time, and cried half the time sebab nak tidur buai. But during that time also I know how to put him to sleep without buai, cuma kena sentiasa have to be beside him je if tidur tengahhari. Banyak benar la peelnye.
The akikah went on splendidly. Beramai2 la sedara mara gathered to cook the one lembu they felled. Bukan lembu sekor untuk Ajis, this akikah also is for his cousins mousins kat Bintulu tu. Share2 terus. Time akikah tu baik je. Fuhhh. He slept while the nenek2 was holding him up and down, and halfway through the majlis he slept so that only mean he wakes up happy.
Balut dengan songket |
Tu tidurrrr... ye tidur berputing . Macam2 la kan. Berbuai, berputing. Asalkan happy la anak.
We didnt stay long at Bintulu, I dont have much holiday left and work was piling up. So few days je spent there. Ajis like Bintulu well enough, especially during bathtime. Amboi suke betul mandi kat sana, air sana sedap kut...
Eh, panas la pulak update ni (blogger ni tengah kepanasan depan computer, nak berbaringan). Nanti update lagi. Wah wah.
Hehe.. camne la plak Arif duk main kejar2 sorang2. Mesti kiut je.