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Makan - Makan Post

I had been hankering for a holiday for my pregnant self. Nak pergi mana-mana. Tapi dengan keadaan husband yang ade kat Malaysia macam biskut chipsmore, kejab ade, lagi lamanye tadek. So tak kesempatan. I sangat frust, he knows I sangat frust. Though some might argue there is still time (weekend lepas or weekend ni) tapi aku tanakk okehh beramai-ramai sangkut dalam jem dan aku kepenatan time cuti sekolah ni. Aku memang banyak songeh. I don't like quick weekend getaway. I prefer an extra day leave for my trouble of travelling.

Ok. Paragraph atas tu adalah complain semata-mata sebab aku nak berjalan wehhh. 

Fine. Sebab tak leh berjalan sebab salah sendiri pon, aku paksa husband belanja at Tamarind Springs, the Indochine restaurant one. 

Tu adalah starter free. Ko pergi tempat mahal bagus la kan ade mende2 free disogok dulu so tadekle rase keberatan nak order yang mahal kann. 

Ala ... kerepek je pon tapi sedap la jugak. Dan dalam sudu tu adalah ... tah la. Kerabu kut. Aku amik secebis daging je, and rase macam kerabu. Sebab aku jenis makan lauk dengan nasik, tadek nasik... tak selera aku nak kuis-kuis lauk macam orang diet ni. Sekali bile nasi and lauk datang die org angkat sudah sudu tu. Kalau aku tahu awal-awal, aku telan semua. 

Kemudian lauk yang lain sampai, ade 3 je lauk we ended up ordering. Which is masa memula order tu the waiter inform cakap cukup for 2 person, pikir balik macam tak cukup pulak. Mungkin die averagekan aku dengan perempuan yang bagaikan model di kiri dan kanan meja aku yang kanan tu duk kuis-kuis makan kerabu mangga je dan kiri tu teguk air je. 

So the thing that is inside the bowl is the chicken green curry which is delicious when it is hot sebab aku memang hantu green curry. The one in pinggan panjang is fish cooked with spicy sauce (which spicy is a very relative term when you go to a restaurant that catered to taste mat salleh ). The fish is deboned and not in a fish state ( I was hoping the fish was deboned in a way that rupa fish tu adalah maseh intact tapi tiada tulang. Ade kann? Aku rase aku penah makan tempat buat camtuh ), however it is nice. I prefer steamed fish, but husband like his fish fried, so I opt for the fried one. So he liked the fish best of all the lauk and I liked it least. Yang belakang mangkuk tu is half of a lobster, cooked in what I can't remember tapi adalah sangat awesome dan sedap. 

And thatt is all the picture of food I gonna upload here sebab... tu je la. Aku segan la nak berusaha tangkap sesatu lauk. I should take a pic of my drink sebab my drink was sedap, tapi tadek. Dalam gamba di atas tu is my husband honeydew refresher ( ala2 ice crush juice ) which is nice, but not as nice as my lychee mint drink. 

Oh yes. We did order dessert. Tu mangkuknye at the above pic tapi it is not worth a shot or a mention actually, because it is basically pan fried pisang in a really sickly sweet santan soup. At the very least the pan friend pisang is nice, but the kuah sweetness tu kinda put the whole taste thing off. Pity. Nasib baik I decided to just share the dessert. Rugi if order 2. Letak sekali gambar orang yang belanja alang-alang tu. And yeay... at the very least his eyes is not glued to his new phone most of the time. 

Nah tu gamba I pregnant. I'm afraid I may have ruin my dress. Erk. Tapi tak nampak sangat the belly, maybe the dress design makes it so. Nampak fat jeeee.

Ok kite try side view pulak. Pon macam sama. 

Nanti la yek. I'll try my best untuk amik gamba lagi. That is the only pregnant pic I have pon. I was never much for taking picture of meself which I think alot of you guys already knew. 

Summary of the restaurant: I'm ok to go again, the price at the end of the meal, is ok to me. While the dessert is ugh, the fish was so-so (walaupon paling expensive), the lobster and green curry makes me think that the meal is not lost. I may opt for other dessert and other fish kut. Also tambah lauk lagiiii. 

p/s: Yeay! Post of a pic of moi at long last!


FrH said…
yeay finally the belly photos.
but where's the belly??? tak nampak ponggggggg. :P
Dils said…
Hahaha... itu la kann... tak nampak. aku rase atas sebab baju jugak laa. hari ni aku pakai baju ketat yg ketara aku pregnant. Nanti aku suruh husband snap pic. Kehkehkeh


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