of a good home.
This stray little kitten had suddenly come into our home looking so forlorn and pitiful that my sister fed her some bread. So she stay for the past week and had been eating Fasha leftover foods (certain brands of cat foods that Fasha doesnt like and refused to eat. Dasar kucing memilih gitu).
This stray little kitten had suddenly come into our home looking so forlorn and pitiful that my sister fed her some bread. So she stay for the past week and had been eating Fasha leftover foods (certain brands of cat foods that Fasha doesnt like and refused to eat. Dasar kucing memilih gitu).
Because I am living at a crowded home , I do not think so we can keep her, tho I do like to.
Fasha had been chasing the little kitten around, (we had now separated the kitten to only live at the front porch). Tho the kitty had also been chasing Fasha around. Macam frenemies gitu main Tag.
She is a lovable little kitten but looking a little worse to wear tho really quite cute. Basically there's a sorta eczema ( kurap) on both her ears and head. We had been feeding her some milk (for added nutrients) and applied ointments on her skin. Seems to be getting better from the first time we ever saw her.
F.rom a sad, listless little kitten sekarang ni very active one and kept on running here and there playing with everything. I do believe with proper care (vet, ointments, some medicines) she would be a very handsome cat indeed as her fur is really quite pretty.
So this post intention is really in asking any of you readers out there who would like to take extra care of a kitten? It is tedious, I know and she does not look 'kawaii' compare to the other lovable kittens you might normally see in the pet shops. But I do believe she needs a loving home and I couldn't bring myself to 'buang' her anywhere.
One of my options is SPCA. But before going to SPCA, and as some of you might know, it is also better to ask if any of you people who would like or know anyone that want to adopt a kitten and if they do would you want her? And the kitty is a she if you are wondering.
And please if you do, provide a good home and neuter your pets if you do not wish your pet untuk beranak pinak.
bulu dia panjang ek..si comot! nama kucing itu..hehehe
Oh. Kite org panggil die KURAP!. Huhu. Kesian tul
strays.. kesian mmg kesian but nanti end up with a house filled with strays.. huhuh
kalau bagi spca takut dia euthanised the cat plak
serba salah