Warning: Rojak post ahead. Jangan bising.
Typing this blog post at new office. Haaa.
Otak sudah lunyai with all those readings which I doubt I understand much of it. You know how you can just read a sentence or paragraph and after you finish reading it, you realized you had no idea what you reading. Not that you don't understand it. Its more like you read it without thinking at all.
I am in such deep shit if I continue like this. Hope some knowledge does penetrate into my addled brain.
Anyway. Oh.. new job is OK. Back to being the unknown again which sucks and trying to find the cheapest place to lunch or even lunch mates obviously sucks too. However there is a consolation that a shopping complex is right below my office. Tanak lunch bole shopping? Boleh? Kinda defeat the purpose of finding a cheap place for lunch though to save money.
Have to start shopping too in spite of my reluctance (reluctant sgt)! My previous workplaces before this have a sort of lackadaisical attitude in terms of office wear, so usually jeans and various blouses was my options. My baju office yang zaman lama2 ituh sume sudah "shrinking" (that's the word 'someone' LOVE to use whenever I accuse him of being fat). Shit. I definitely have to join me some gym. Kena exercise tapi malas. Kurangkan makan tapi selera macam gajah. Macam mana?
Why can't I be one of those "naturally thin" and hate that people accuse them of an eating disorder, when obviously they had learned how to quietly retch into a restaurant toilet bowl.
Back to the topic. Hah. To the well informed readers of this blog (which consist of two of you, including moi) , I think that the whole issues with me resigning early is now udah abes. No more brouhaha or calling back and forth to former employers. Abes kredit nak settlekan mende ini aje. And it ended better than I hope with me only applying leave for the remainder of the days. Seems like I had a total of 12 days of leave. Wow wheee. I had not realized my accumulated leave is that much. Hehehe.. I think I totally forgot my annual leave total. So it may end up with them paying me back instead of moi mengeluarkan duit dari simpanan. Fuh.
I may had to thank my mother for that. Mungkin in spite of what she says, she did doa for better thing job wise. And a thanks needs to be addressed also for my previous colleagues. Gile kena bagi motivation untuk berenti.
Another note, this is what I got for my parting gift.

Best tak? Best kan. Huhuhu. Thanks all colleagues. I know some of you are reading this. Hehehe and sorry that I completely forgot to write a farewell email. I think those are kinda like a bore anyway. But maybe I will compose it OK. A late farewell email. .Hehe. Sorry.
Well... nak kemas2 untuk balik la.
Otak sudah lunyai with all those readings which I doubt I understand much of it. You know how you can just read a sentence or paragraph and after you finish reading it, you realized you had no idea what you reading. Not that you don't understand it. Its more like you read it without thinking at all.
I am in such deep shit if I continue like this. Hope some knowledge does penetrate into my addled brain.
Anyway. Oh.. new job is OK. Back to being the unknown again which sucks and trying to find the cheapest place to lunch or even lunch mates obviously sucks too. However there is a consolation that a shopping complex is right below my office. Tanak lunch bole shopping? Boleh? Kinda defeat the purpose of finding a cheap place for lunch though to save money.
Have to start shopping too in spite of my reluctance (reluctant sgt)! My previous workplaces before this have a sort of lackadaisical attitude in terms of office wear, so usually jeans and various blouses was my options. My baju office yang zaman lama2 ituh sume sudah "shrinking" (that's the word 'someone' LOVE to use whenever I accuse him of being fat). Shit. I definitely have to join me some gym. Kena exercise tapi malas. Kurangkan makan tapi selera macam gajah. Macam mana?
Why can't I be one of those "naturally thin" and hate that people accuse them of an eating disorder, when obviously they had learned how to quietly retch into a restaurant toilet bowl.
Back to the topic. Hah. To the well informed readers of this blog (which consist of two of you, including moi) , I think that the whole issues with me resigning early is now udah abes. No more brouhaha or calling back and forth to former employers. Abes kredit nak settlekan mende ini aje. And it ended better than I hope with me only applying leave for the remainder of the days. Seems like I had a total of 12 days of leave. Wow wheee. I had not realized my accumulated leave is that much. Hehehe.. I think I totally forgot my annual leave total. So it may end up with them paying me back instead of moi mengeluarkan duit dari simpanan. Fuh.
I may had to thank my mother for that. Mungkin in spite of what she says, she did doa for better thing job wise. And a thanks needs to be addressed also for my previous colleagues. Gile kena bagi motivation untuk berenti.
Another note, this is what I got for my parting gift.

Best tak? Best kan. Huhuhu. Thanks all colleagues. I know some of you are reading this. Hehehe and sorry that I completely forgot to write a farewell email. I think those are kinda like a bore anyway. But maybe I will compose it OK. A late farewell email. .Hehe. Sorry.
Well... nak kemas2 untuk balik la.
oh and i am also in the "my clothes are shrinking" denial phase!
Ok je. Hehehe.. Environment tu.. to be determined.
It is really a new beginning. Hahaha.. those shrinking clothes really need to stop shrinking. Have no idea how to proceed...