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Let's do the what did I do today kinda topic. I know you guys don't care and it's boring and all that. Whatever. My blog.

So early morning today (yesterday technically, but let's not dwell on details shall we?), my fiance and I went to one of the Ulu Yam waterfalls, scouting places where I can bring my colleagues for an outing.

Great scenery, the water is cold yet nice (after an hour of hesitant wetting ma feet) . Not so many people ( I was adamant to go early in the morning to beat the crowd). Not tooo polluted (how many are there that are not pon). And most importantly.... no icky encounter with leeches and pacat. Need I stress again upon the fact that I am raised as a city girl as thus only familiar with animals ranging from the usual pests to dogs and cats?

Unfortch, I don't have any pictures. Phone pon tak bawak. He does. No 'pose' pictures tho.

The day got even better when I managed to procure the below.

The Buffy comics. I was searching for it briefly at Kinokuniya and some stores. Was contemplating ordering online which is madness since the shipping would cost more than the comics.

However 'some'one manage to take a glimpse of it somewhere and informed me. Hehe. So the fascination with Buffy-dom continues. The downer is that I didn't manage to find the part 1 of the first arc 'The Long Way Home'. Takpe. Try cari jua. Oooh. Did I mention this is like my first time ever in buying comics (manga not included). And it is all for Buffy. Sigh.

Ok. Snooze time. I can't manage to take a nap in the afternoon nowadays and kept on waking up early in the morning. So tidak lagi menjadi burung hantu.

p/s: I can't manage to find a good blog title. So don't try to find meaning behind it since I just type whatever words that my fingers want to move to.


Anonymous said…
omg that buffy still looks good in its classy-classic style. nice one.
welcome to the dark side. now try to find any"graphic novel" by Brian Michael Bendis and Alan " demigod" Moore.

V for Vendetta is a very good starting point!
Dils said…
The cover does look good. Dalam tu agak vary tho. Sometimes look mcm kaver, sometimes not.

The correct term is 'graphic novel' is it. hehe... some of the graphic novel esp from Frank Miller does look tempting, but I am too afraid to start. Haha


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