Am definitely a cinema go-ers movie freak.
Last week, I watched 2 movies. One was Rise: Blood Hunter and the other Ratatouille.

Last week, I watched 2 movies. One was Rise: Blood Hunter and the other Ratatouille.
I am forever captivated by B grade (and some C) movies. There is just something on horrors B movie that make it fun to watch. Remembered Critters? Gremlins? The Blob? The Thing? Oh.. the glory of those movies are vast forgotten by those who thinks they are so great to deem only watching Oscar nominated movies. Hihihi... I sound so superficial. Whatever. I love watching Oscar nominated movies too.. but boy. They sure are depressing.

Anyway as for Rise, as far as bad movies goes. It is bad. Enough said. I don't know if its the acting. I had watched far worse acting in blockbuster movies, and this are not that bad. But I think it is maybe the script. Have a sense of humour la (Slap scriptwriter senseless with their own scripts). I am finding myself incredibly bored and yet truly captivated with all the gore.
Is the movie a complete gore fest for you gore lovers out there? Hurmph.. I am not a gore lover, so can't really opine (just pull this word out of my head so , shut up). However am sure glad that I didn't buy any drinks or popcorns. Scene where Lucy Liu gnawing at an old man's arm... yeuch! Oh.. and there's a lot of topless scenes flitting in and out of the screen. I guess they just give up altogether in trying to censor all those boobs.
But I like on how they portrayed the vampires in these movies. Oh.. Synopsis?
Taken from IMDB
"Supernatural thriller in which a female reporter wakes up in a morgue to find herself a member of the undead. She vows revenge against the sect that put her there and hunts them down."
Like most zombies movie, no one ever said the word vampires in this movie. These creatures (as fondly called by some) are not afraid of the cross, garlic, sunlight, do not have supernatural strength and do not have fangs. Thus the way of killings are human-like. I like seeing these variations from the usual vampire movies. Apart from that.. its a yawner. The ending leaves room for a sequel, but judging by how many people are actually in the cinema theatre (5 including moi), I won't hold my breath for one.
As for Ratatouille. Do I even need to post a synopsis?

Anyway as for Rise, as far as bad movies goes. It is bad. Enough said. I don't know if its the acting. I had watched far worse acting in blockbuster movies, and this are not that bad. But I think it is maybe the script. Have a sense of humour la (Slap scriptwriter senseless with their own scripts). I am finding myself incredibly bored and yet truly captivated with all the gore.
Is the movie a complete gore fest for you gore lovers out there? Hurmph.. I am not a gore lover, so can't really opine (just pull this word out of my head so , shut up). However am sure glad that I didn't buy any drinks or popcorns. Scene where Lucy Liu gnawing at an old man's arm... yeuch! Oh.. and there's a lot of topless scenes flitting in and out of the screen. I guess they just give up altogether in trying to censor all those boobs.
But I like on how they portrayed the vampires in these movies. Oh.. Synopsis?
Taken from IMDB
"Supernatural thriller in which a female reporter wakes up in a morgue to find herself a member of the undead. She vows revenge against the sect that put her there and hunts them down."
Like most zombies movie, no one ever said the word vampires in this movie. These creatures (as fondly called by some) are not afraid of the cross, garlic, sunlight, do not have supernatural strength and do not have fangs. Thus the way of killings are human-like. I like seeing these variations from the usual vampire movies. Apart from that.. its a yawner. The ending leaves room for a sequel, but judging by how many people are actually in the cinema theatre (5 including moi), I won't hold my breath for one.
As for Ratatouille. Do I even need to post a synopsis?

And duh.. of course it's a fun, fun watch. Makes me want to be in Paris and be intrigued on how Ratatouille taste like. I also do agree with everybody else that it is not necessary to have an all A list stars to voice out characters in animated films for it to be a success. I likey it very much. And I am too tired to type more except..
Brad Bird is the man!
Oh.. and rats is still not adorable even though I do love Remy. Maybe it is because of the absent of any baby rats around? Yeuch.. small, reddish, squirmy, non fur lil rats.
Bersambung esoklah..
Brad Bird is the man!
Oh.. and rats is still not adorable even though I do love Remy. Maybe it is because of the absent of any baby rats around? Yeuch.. small, reddish, squirmy, non fur lil rats.
Bersambung esoklah..
Rise - i saw the trailer and terus cakap. gee bad ass vampire killer movie. where have i seen those before? does Blade and Underworld ring any bells. might as well wactch impak maksima. HA HA.
did u say blood,boobs and blades? the holy trinity of a classic movie nite with the friends movie. not exactly the kind of movie u would watch to unwind during the weekends kan. but suffice to say i would have this in my dvd collection filed under " watch when bored an lonely"
Ratatoi.. ah i gave up spelling it. havent seen it. tried to watch it last week but full house. end upw atching the simpsons instead which was Ha ha halarious.
maybe i'll catch this later
Underworld is just an excuse to show Kate Beckinsale can wear tight leather clothes.