I was being "summoned" as that what I felt when I read the letter to go to the Peperiksaan Pegawai Tadbir and Diplomatik Gred 41 at Sek. Men. Teknik Azizah, JB. I know what to expect of the exams since my friends, family and fellow blogger taqi here had told of their similar experience. Except I don't have a fetish for schoolgirl with uniform. The exam was held on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was my "weekend" pon, so what the heck. I went.
I went back to JB with my brother. At first I was suppose to go with my mom. But my mom is way too tired after her trip to Vietnam. So my brother was handed the task to accompany me. Or should I say me accompanying him. So there I was after work lugged my bag with my brother to go to Pudu. I keep on forgetting why I hate Pudu, but yeah.. now I remembered. The smoke, the smell, the poor light, the heat.... And I can't remembered exactly whats the bus company name are but the bus name are Gunung Raya Express. The ticket guy was very very rude and when one passenger remarked this upon him he had the courtesy to reply " Ni kira cukup baik lah kite org kasi ko naik tau " Even I was kinda shocked. So much for Malaysians friendly peoples huh. And then theres a bunch of Indonesians on the bus and the Indonesians was way more demonstrative in voicing their unsatisfaction to the very rude man. Hence they almost broke up with fight. It was very very loud since they are right next to us, ( I saw my brother was trying to make himself invisible) and very very boring. Ugh.. And the guys right at the back of me was talking loudly as if he's in mamak. I was very very irritated. Uh.. next time I will pay much more for a bus ride just so I can get my nap. And when I got there I have to walk 30 mins with my high heels becoz theres no cab. Torturous feet~
And then home sweet home. Yeay! But have to wake up early to go to dratted exam. Not yeay~ Thank goodness it was only about 15 minutes away from home. My brother drove me there. Hehehe.. whats the use of brother huh. When I got there, I felt like... SPM days. The school hall... my school friends... Ugh.. bad memories; I meant the SPM days. So the exam went on. It was ok. But I was not ok. I got a temporary flu. Damn. But the questions was all about us..Do you lie when you are a kid? Yes.. Do you laugh hearing lewd jokes? Of course la yes. (Tipu la if someone lies about this). So on the questions goes, I finish it in about half an hour early so I went back home to lie , moan and ate my lunch. After lunch, went back to the general-question-nobody-care-much-about-Malaysia and I must had failed that one terribly and the maths one too. The maths question is easy. But maths had never been one of my forte... so I didnt manage to finish it all. My Brain Is Slow Hence The Blurrie Nickname Given To Me. The next day was essay day. The essay for BM i chose " Tinggalan Sejarah Penting Pada Warisan.. bla bla" and the English one is "A healthy diet is important.. bla bla" and I chose that! What a laugh! for a girl who loves red meat and lots of pasta sauce. So then.. its over~ SPM days over~ yeay. But I had to go back to work the next day! Damn! Because it didn't felt like I was on my "weekend" hols. But today is Saturday, fun working day! Yeay! So my mood greatly improved. And the trip back to KL was spent on a really fine looking bus. Very comfy, very cold and they shown George of the Jungle and White Chicks. DVD quality babe! Goody~
Ah.. I can't wait for my "weekends" off. I want to slumber and do fun stuffs. Not exams! But it was ok anyway. And I don't set much hope on it pon, someone said it is really really hard to get through.. I meant if my SPM was not so great, and I felt it was like SPM all over again, so I dont think so I will get far on that.And... I already got a job which I will try to hold on to.. until I felt I get much experience to venture to the Great Unknown again.
Ah.. pizza~ goody!
I went back to JB with my brother. At first I was suppose to go with my mom. But my mom is way too tired after her trip to Vietnam. So my brother was handed the task to accompany me. Or should I say me accompanying him. So there I was after work lugged my bag with my brother to go to Pudu. I keep on forgetting why I hate Pudu, but yeah.. now I remembered. The smoke, the smell, the poor light, the heat.... And I can't remembered exactly whats the bus company name are but the bus name are Gunung Raya Express. The ticket guy was very very rude and when one passenger remarked this upon him he had the courtesy to reply " Ni kira cukup baik lah kite org kasi ko naik tau " Even I was kinda shocked. So much for Malaysians friendly peoples huh. And then theres a bunch of Indonesians on the bus and the Indonesians was way more demonstrative in voicing their unsatisfaction to the very rude man. Hence they almost broke up with fight. It was very very loud since they are right next to us, ( I saw my brother was trying to make himself invisible) and very very boring. Ugh.. And the guys right at the back of me was talking loudly as if he's in mamak. I was very very irritated. Uh.. next time I will pay much more for a bus ride just so I can get my nap. And when I got there I have to walk 30 mins with my high heels becoz theres no cab. Torturous feet~
And then home sweet home. Yeay! But have to wake up early to go to dratted exam. Not yeay~ Thank goodness it was only about 15 minutes away from home. My brother drove me there. Hehehe.. whats the use of brother huh. When I got there, I felt like... SPM days. The school hall... my school friends... Ugh.. bad memories; I meant the SPM days. So the exam went on. It was ok. But I was not ok. I got a temporary flu. Damn. But the questions was all about us..Do you lie when you are a kid? Yes.. Do you laugh hearing lewd jokes? Of course la yes. (Tipu la if someone lies about this). So on the questions goes, I finish it in about half an hour early so I went back home to lie , moan and ate my lunch. After lunch, went back to the general-question-nobody-care-much-about-Malaysia and I must had failed that one terribly and the maths one too. The maths question is easy. But maths had never been one of my forte... so I didnt manage to finish it all. My Brain Is Slow Hence The Blurrie Nickname Given To Me. The next day was essay day. The essay for BM i chose " Tinggalan Sejarah Penting Pada Warisan.. bla bla" and the English one is "A healthy diet is important.. bla bla" and I chose that! What a laugh! for a girl who loves red meat and lots of pasta sauce. So then.. its over~ SPM days over~ yeay. But I had to go back to work the next day! Damn! Because it didn't felt like I was on my "weekend" hols. But today is Saturday, fun working day! Yeay! So my mood greatly improved. And the trip back to KL was spent on a really fine looking bus. Very comfy, very cold and they shown George of the Jungle and White Chicks. DVD quality babe! Goody~
Ah.. I can't wait for my "weekends" off. I want to slumber and do fun stuffs. Not exams! But it was ok anyway. And I don't set much hope on it pon, someone said it is really really hard to get through.. I meant if my SPM was not so great, and I felt it was like SPM all over again, so I dont think so I will get far on that.And... I already got a job which I will try to hold on to.. until I felt I get much experience to venture to the Great Unknown again.
Ah.. pizza~ goody!
can you tell me more what so rawks working on weekends? i not really get it...
and not so much work..
and no jam...
got no social life ::sigh:: so no biggies for me..
Eh anybody ever ride a bus with stewardess? i wanna try but the fare is dem expensive..
Thot the bus with stewardess dh tadek dh kn? dulu2 ade la. penah jugak la.. but bese je.. dulu ade McD atas bas.
It's a 24 seater bus. macam kapal terbang. Lengkap dengan tv sendiri, radio sendiri, stewardess, makanan (yummy yummy). Dan yang paling membuatkan diri ini terkesima sekali ialah everyone got his/her own network port. so maknanya kalau ada laptop, masukkan ke network port tu, bole share ataau tukar file sesama pessenger.. hahaha.
No, i don't make up this story.. it's true