Short reviews sebab not feeling wordy . Hehe. I like that I am reading a lot btw. Though I think I may have to start being choosy in what I read.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Synopsis from Wiki:
The Broker is a suspense novel written by American author John Grisham and published in the United States on January 11, 2005. The novel follows the story of Joel Backman, a newly pardoned prisoner who had tried to broker a deal to sell the world's most powerful satellite surveillance system to the highest bidder.
- Simple quick read. Enjoyable.
- The main question or the plot device does not make any sense. But I enjoyed the book so I dont care much about the plot device.
- Characters are ok enough. Not fleshed out enuogh. I probably like Luigi more.
- The book just makes me want to go to Italy and hungry. Maybe John Grisham wrote this when he was in Bologna because je made Bologna sounds appealing and that is the only thing that stands out in this book.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Synopsis from Goodreads:
Gunnery Sgt. Kyle Swanson, a top Marine sniper, is vacationing on a yacht in the Mediterranean when he receives orders to mount a top secret mission to rescue the general. But as the Marines prepare to land in the Syrian desert, they fall victim to a terrible accident. Swanson, the only survivor, then discovers they were also flying into an ambush. How did the enemy have details of a mission known only to a few top American government officials?
Swanson takes off across the desert alone to find the captured general and realizes he is fighting a particularly ruthless and dangerous enemy: American mercenaries working for a very-high-level group of U.S. officials with ties to the White House itself, part of a clandestine conspiracy whose hidden goal is nothing less than total control of the American military. Their sworn enemy is the captured general whose fate now rests in Swanson’s hands.
- The intro was horrible. I almost put the book down. Kyle Swanson was introduced kinda clumsily and it took a long time for me to warm up to him.
- The female characters is eye rollingly bad. But I don't expect much so I guess it was as good as I can get for this type of books.
- Once the action gets to the desert then the fun started! I believed it when it is stated the author used to be a marine, because the middle part of the book is the core strength of the book. The gritty actions, the wait, the suspense, the training. It feels real and believable and I can pictured it clearly.
- Would not be opposed to read his work again since the action part of the book is highly enjoyable.
- I howver have to really roll my eyes when a seemingly respectable army officer decidedly to take off her clothes and have sex with her superior ( not reporting superior but still... ) It is so random and sexist! I hate that and feels like a typical man fantasy. This only happened in porn lah.

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Synopsis from Goodreads:
When Caroline Trent is kidnapped by Blake Ravenscroft, she doesn’t even try to elude this dangerously handsome agent of the crown. After all, she’s been running from unwanted marriage proposals. Yes, Blake believes she’s a notorious spy named Carlotta De Leon, but for six weeks until her twenty-first birthday, when she’ll gain control of her own fortune, hiding out in the titillating company of a mysterious captor is awfully convenient—and maybe just a little romantic, too.
Blake Ravenscroft’s mission is to bring “Carlotta” to justice, not to fall in love. His heart has been hardened by years of intrigue, but this little temptress proves oddly disarming and thoroughly kissable. And suddenly the unthinkable becomes possible—that this mismatched couple might be destined for love
I maybe am tired of Julia Quinn. I don't know. The last few books by her I read, it just makes me want to squash something.
I think I may have pinpoint my problem with Julia Quinn books.
She tried too hard to make her characters witty.
She pushed the funny part too long.
The plot device that supposedly delay the 2 main characters to be together as soon as possible ... like in the first 2 chapter is getting more ridiculous by each book I read.
Not all girls have to be innocent = worthy of love. I think that is just my gripe with the whole chic lit/romance books in general.
The spy stuff is lame. I am sorry it is. If the hero.. can't remember his name ,is a spy, then I am a duck. He is lame. God!
I would enjoy more if the book heroine is Carlotta I guess.
It is just a list full of complaints because I cant seem to find a positive thing to talk about this book. Sorry Julia.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Synopsis from Wiki:
It portrays the courtship of the beautiful American girl Daisy Miller by Winterbourne, a sophisticated compatriot of hers. His pursuit of her is hampered by her own flirtatiousness, which is frowned upon by the other expatriates when they meet in Switzerland and Italy
I love this sweet little book.
Daisy Miller is a whirlwind. Even though the author wrote this a really long time ago, Daisy Miller even in the 21st century digital age, feels refreshing as a character, as a woman.
A woman who knows her own mind, who may wavers but can quickly made up her mind and stick to it. I love her.
The writing is simple, beautiful. The characters are evolved, complex even in their simplicity. A good simple quick read and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read classic but feels a classic book may overwhelm them.
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