Last weekend went to Ipoh because my husband's friend is getting married in Gopeng. Since Gopeng tu dekat sangat dah dengan Ipoh I excited la nak ajak die kesana. Sesaja imbas kembali kenangan lama , jalan2 ke UTP, tengok balik bandar Ipoh.
I dont take much pics of the wedding though Aziz had a LOT of fun playing at the yard by himself. Saif baik je. Tido the whole time even though panassss. One interesting thing about the wedding is ade stall apam balik!
Apam balik die sedap. Ade yang the crunchy apam and there is also the regular one. Even the regular one are very nice. Isi banyak dan nipis just nice.
After the wedding we then checked into the hotel that we booked which is the Ipoh French Hotel.
A new boutique hotel. Located in the middle of town, in front of KFC 24 hours and next to The Store and Cathay lama tu. Bring back a lot of memories as dulu2, my friends and I always go to the Pizza Hut seberang jalan tu during weekend. Now Pizza Hut ade kat depan Taman Maju ok! And McDonald pon ade. AND Domino's! Basically no need the weekly sojourn to Ipoh which we UTPians tends to do dulu. Pfftt. Jangan kata weekly lagi, rase tengah malam nak gi mamakking at Ipoh pergi je... UTP students now have it good.
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Baby not included |
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I love that tiles. Nak buat macam ni laaa kat bilik air sendiri nanti. Tahun bile tah.
The room and bathroom. We took the room that have an superking size bed. Sebab nak muatkan 2 muatan lagi atas katil. And it was pretty great we took that bed sebab everyone got their space on bed.
Malam tu we went for dinner at Restoran Simpang Tiga and fuh mencabar betul makan. Dengan Aziz berak tengah dunia kat restoran tu and Saif just won't stop crying, hilang terus selera makan. Dah la tertinggal my pouch yang isi the diapers extra bebudak tu at hotel room, tapi naseb baik Guardian dekat so husband bought all the necessary and bawak tuka Aziz there.
As for the restoran, we ordered sup sayur campur, ikan stim and telur dadar. It was pretty ok though the fish texture was a bit weird. So it kinda offset also rase ikan tu. Dengan berpeluh paksa Aziz behave and Saif menangis aku pon terus tadek selera sangat nak makan. But I have to say the sup is quite nice. Jus pon menepati cita rase. Not too watery.
Siap pergi Gerbang Malam lagi after dinner which is kinda like Danau Kota punye night market tu. It is like 10 mins walk from the hotel so jalan je. It opened at 9pm pon so kira early la. I think dulu2 bukak kul 10 kut.. Last time we went there as students ade la 15 gerai kut at most. Memang tak happening lah. Now panjang dan sesak!
I put Saif in a wrap and Aziz kena pimpin with my husband. Saif terus tido while on the way there. Ade la beli mende meraban2 you buy at those pasar. Beli Aziz satu toys sebab pasar macam tu kan penuh mainan and still on the way back die throwdown tantrum sebab nak toys lagi and refuse to hold our hands. Menaga la aku at Aziz and I pimpin his hand on the way back and terus die senyap .
Besok pagi tu pegi pulak Pasar Karat.
These are the famed antique pasar of Ipoh dulu. I first went there with other students masa it was still held by the riverside. Lawa dan tenang je jalan dulu. And so many books.
Nowadays tadek sangat dah books. Ade la a few stalls selling antique stuffs but I rase makin berkurangan dari dulu. Stalls yang jual stuffs from Cameron pon tadek sangat. Banyak baju bundle and the usual baju, kids clothes and tudung.
Kali ni we decided to put Saif in a stroller sebab siang panas sangat die nak berwrap bagai dengan mommy die. Can even eat breakfast dengan aman sebab Saif baik je tido.
Afterwards pergi Ipoh Parade sebab my husband knows I always want to take a peek into Novel Hut. Memula cari tak jumpa, ingatkan dah closed ke ape, rupanye moved to another location.
Before there was BBW sales, this is my go to place during student days for cheap books.
Catch of that day so to speaks.
Mula2 ingatkan nak cari makan area Batu Gajah ke area UTP ke tapi dah kul 12.30 dan Aziz dah start lapor. Tengok orang kat food court beli sizzling mee macam sedap je, kami pon beli gak.
It was ok lah. Quite nice jugak la. Tak sesedap kat food court Kinta City dulu, tapi I known from previous experience yang the mee there no longer sedap cam dulu so tak kuasa nak pergi there.
Went to UTP! Last time masuk after graduate dengan kawan2. We went to see the cafe and stuffs. And round tengok blok2 asrama we used to stay in. Cant believe it had been that long. Sobs.
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My first asrama in UTP. Port bergayut kat bawah tangga tu. |
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My room in V4. Masa memula masuk we are the first ones yang rasmikan these rooms and we were so excited because it was so pretty then. Dulu tadek shed untuk basikal tu . |
Now tak masuk pon cafe and all. Malas pulak nak punggah anak2. Just pergi to the dewan canselor to take pics because our dewan and library is pretty awesome k.
We then headed to Teluk Batik and kinda like a waste of time jugak because
1. Aziz takut laut and last2 main bubble je there
2. I hated the beach unless it is really clean like Redang.
Masa kat Teluk Batik pon ade this kakak tanye nak beli kerepek ke tak. I tanye satu je and she suruh beli 3. I wonder why la these people yang jual2 these stuffs ni mesti nak push kite beli in bulks. I cakap la I dont have RM10 on me, tapi I nak kerepek die jual tu jugak. So I bukak dompet ade la dalam RM5 je and to my surprise kakak tu pon datang next to me and tengok inside my wallet. I macam surprise gak la. Die macam RM5 pon bole la and bagi I 2 pek kerepek and took that RM5 before I can say anything. Huh. Honestly I think this is the last time la I beli from these type of people. Tadek adab dalam menjual!
Anyway we let Aziz main in the playground to his delight. He doesnt care about the sea. All he wants are gelungsur.. Teluk Batik also had changed the last time we went there. There are now boats with banana boats and it is kinda scary to see all these boats so near dengan bebudak mandi kat laut. I don't think I am the only one who disapproved. Ade awek kat situ dating dengan boyfriend die pon I can heard expressing the same views. They had put a lot of shop lots which a lot of em are vacant too. And a sad derelict looking museum. And a nice playground though.It is kinda sad la. If they let it be and just make it simple, benches, playground, good path to jog pon dah OK. No need to over commercialized a recreation place.
Malam tu saje nak gatal try one of these hipster cafe mushrooming like crazy all over Malaysia. So I chose Gomok cafe yang dekat je dengan our hotel. Bawak stroller sebab nak kasik Saif tido. This time he behaved and slept the whole meals through.
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One of the wall at the cafe |
Saif tengok syok isap jari. Which is what he likes to do nowadays. Kecik je cafe ni. Macam half a kedai je, and I can't be arsed to stand up to take pic of the whole kedai pon. Ramai pon malam tu. Ade 2 sets of family gathering there.
I ordered the Philly cheese steak which was pretty good. Nampak cam kecik tapi bile tiba last bite tu dah kenyang menggila. So not bad jugak la. Husband punye is nasi goreng with tomyam and ayam rendang. His nasi goreng is delicious. Ayam rendang tu husband suke, I am not a fan of rendang so I guess it must be ok.
My favorite part is the drink. Delicious. My green tea is sedap though if I realized it came with bubble tu , I had requested it away, I tak suke bubble hitam tu. My husband ordered some sort of raspberry yogurt with this nice pop bubble. Seriously sedap. We had half a mind to order second round of drinks but we already have 2 cendols waiting for us in the hotel fridge and there are people waiting outside the cafe for tables. So mintak bill je la. And the price of the drink is very reasonable at RM3.50 for my drink. Kalau KL cafe2 macam ni mesti air RM8. Menyampah betul order air kat cafe in KL ni.
Oklah. I had not updated blog posts this long since forever. Naseb baik takyak masak arie ni so boleh curik time update pasal last weekend.
Ade orang duk lagi ke old v5 tu? reminiscence sgt okayyy! jauh gile menapak nk g lecture hall bagai. Dengan panas ya Allah tuhan je tau. haha.
untung dah budak utp skang. xyah g Ipoh dah. i dulu gigih naik bas bagai, lame2 dah agak kaya baru sewa kereta or join member yang ade kereta sendiri.
Adee. Masa pegi tu Propana and Metana ade boys duduk. Kenangan sangat. Dulu2 kat UTP ni kurus sebab jalan banyak la kan. Dulu siap kena naik bus Uncle Devan lagi nak pegi Ipoh. Rase rombongan sekolah sangat,.