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A year and a half later

Ade ke patut mummy die letak gamba belakang je. Malas nak mengupload namanye ni. Ni gamba semalam. Die tengah excited nampak kucing jiran jalan2 kat luar rasanye.

Semalam dak kecik dah setahun setengah. And my husband tadi takut-takutkan aku dengan video signs of ASD in early toddlers sebab die rase macam ade.

I malas nak carik link youtube, but you can see it here : 

The video is a bit too general and it does breaks my heart to see the difficulties for one child to interact with his mother. Sedih. Also penangan for me to really focus and play with my son more for us to know the sign if something is not right. 

Those who are interested to know how to detect autism with early toddlers can also read this: 

That article bagi a simple but more easy to understand signs to look at. I had always have a little fear my kid / future kid ade autistic after seeing my little cousin who we took care of when he was small was diagnosed as autistic. Oh and after watching the video and reading the signs, I don't think so my son have it. But if ditakdirkan ade, it would not be the end of the world.

Anyway... PSA dah habis.

We just came back from Alor Setar for a wedding at Changlun and he had a blast. Die memang suke duduk hotel room ni. Bagus. Haha. Mostly he behaved and I love that he sits quietly during breakfast buffet so parents die boleh melantak. Asal boleh jalan. We went to Padang Besar , didn't find anything worth talking about. Beli bakul untuk die bawak ke taska, beli tshirt and thats it kut. Banyak lagi aku beli kat Pasar Rabu Alor Setar. 

Development yang lain, I seen marked improvement in language. He babbles more and more now and some I am beginning to understand. Nama-nama kucing setakat ni die pandai Bobby je. Itu pon die panggil 'Baby'. Ade satu malam tu Bobby lepak2 atas katil die gi tepuk2 Bobby sambil cakap 'Baby... baby.. baby'. Haha. Also masa kat Alor Setar tengah makan satu malam tu die duk kejar kucing keliling food court panggil 'baby' gak. So probably to him cat = baby.

Tantrum bole tahan. Tantrum dengan pukul , tendang bagai. Which menaikkan darah aku. I am fine with the crying but the hitting tantrum is really pushing my patience. Need to quickly distract him if he start, sometimes kena marah la dengan mak die kan. Memang bile nak marah ni kena deep breath punye. However it is not that bad.

Selera makan pon boleh tahan. Before this tanak makan anything, laki aku dah suruh beli Shaklee Mealshake ke ape kemende. I of course la resist the idea. Then my sister suggest Scott Emulsion. Naseb baik he likes the taste. Don't know if the Scott Emulsion or growth spurt ke ape, selera die sejak seminggu ni kemain lagi. Habis semangkuk besar bubur die makan. I am still learning what he likes to eat. My sister duk bebel suruh jangan biasakan die makan luar takut jadi obese, (budak2 montel sekarang ni suke makan nasi lemak je).. I replied... erm noooo... I don't eat luar. I eat at my sister house! Seriously I eat more at their house than my own. Also aku suspect anak aku lagi suke makan akak aku masak dari aku masak. Sebab akak aku masak, die makan habis, aku masak susah betul nak habis. HAHAHAHA. *sedih* Nak buat camne, mak die skill masak kurang ado. Takpela kan. But seriously .. it is serious. Eating out should be limited. Laki aku pon dah warning, if dah buat dapor baru tu rajin2 la kena masak. Whaattt... 

Heh. Ok la. Later.


pet9 said…
babe, i pun freak out bila tengok video tu. yelah especially bila hamza dia kan tak cakap lagi and tak banyak yang dia immitate. I rasa macam ada je tanda2 tu. so the next day tu i tutup TV the whole day and play with him. I dunno, but I feel relieved. I think he's gonna be fine because he communicate with me while playing, on his own way of course. yang penting ada eye contact. I rasa part toddler suka hp tu macam general lah. i tak pernah jumpa lagi budak yang tak suka hp and remote control.heheh
dils said…
ha ah. I pon rase bab handphone tu memang sume budak camtuh. Sedih pulak tengok video tu.


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