Kesian la kan.. macam di anak tirikan pulak. Bukan di anak tirikan , tapi dah memang title anak bulus. Hehe. Sesekor pon lagi independent dari Ajis.
Tak reti buang taik dan basuh mangkuk makanan je.
Anyway... semua maseh ok.
Kurap cam biasa.. ade je mende berlobang. Telinga lobang, bontot lobang, ni kepala pulak.
Sikit je luka tu.. besela. Drama sikit tengok luka. Takut jadi macam telinga die hari tu, terus bernanah. Husband masa mandikan la perasan. So I put some betadine on it. Betadine is safe for cats ye, tapi agak2 la tuang tu. Better lagi dillute dengan air sikit before letak, tapi I tak dillute pon. Letak sikit je. So sekarang ni dah ok sikit. Kena perhati je la, takut bernanah. Bernanah kat kepala satu hal pulak nak toreh keluar nanah tu.
Ni mesti kes gaduh dengan kucing tah mana-mana. Kurap ni tak friendly dengan kucing lain mahupon human. Friendly dengan moi je. Dengan little Ajis pon die pandang selek jek. Macam 'hoiii sebab kau la aku tak boleh tidur atas katil lagi ok'. Ajis pedulik ape. Tapi Ajis pon taw jugak, with Kurap die tak mesra alam sangat. Sentuh pon hati-hati. Kalau dengan Bobby die tenyeh2 Bobby tu sesuka hati.
Cakap pasal Bobby ni...
p/s: aku gi gatal pi tuka template. will change back to the old one again. Found none to my liking... unless I want to pay
Tak reti buang taik dan basuh mangkuk makanan je.
Anyway... semua maseh ok.
Kurap cam biasa.. ade je mende berlobang. Telinga lobang, bontot lobang, ni kepala pulak.
Ni mesti kes gaduh dengan kucing tah mana-mana. Kurap ni tak friendly dengan kucing lain mahupon human. Friendly dengan moi je. Dengan little Ajis pon die pandang selek jek. Macam 'hoiii sebab kau la aku tak boleh tidur atas katil lagi ok'. Ajis pedulik ape. Tapi Ajis pon taw jugak, with Kurap die tak mesra alam sangat. Sentuh pon hati-hati. Kalau dengan Bobby die tenyeh2 Bobby tu sesuka hati.
Cakap pasal Bobby ni...
Comel je kan. Nampak inesen. Baik. Gebu. Putih, sesuci salju. Ptuihh. Sekarang buat perangai kencing merata-rata. Ingatkan sejak Fasha dah tiada , no more masalah tu. Sekali bole pulak datang. I had checked the pees, no blood. And tengok die kencing kat litterbox, no problem, kencing normal and laju, tadek rupa tahan2. ( kalau ko tengok kucing kau lama je kat litterbox, kencing sikit-sikit... better bawak gi vet. Mungkin ade batu karang . Batu karang can lead to death in cats, and in fact for male cats.. lagi prone untuk batu karang than female ). Panjang pulak bracket tadi.
Anywayyy... aku rase sebab I am Jackson Galaxy wannabe, ini adalah masalah territorial. I duk feed the strays depan pintu rumah, dan he saw the male cats come and go makan depan rumah die EMOISM. He don't like it that these cats came into his house, so he is peeing here and there and everywhere. So I stopped feeding the strays. (kesian... but sometimes I feed them outside the gate instead if I saw them but don't feel so guilty because neighbor all around rajin feed the strays jugak. Sampai ade stray pandai pilih makanan lagi. ).
Currently still tak stop peeing, so I guess the next step is to let Bobby go out one or two hour a day, kasik die mark kat luar rumah instead of ON MY SOFA. I am really hoping this would help because cleaning out cat pee out of fabric takes time I don't have. Bobby behave please!
Wolly baik je. Angel catified. Selain dari suke menginja pukul 2 pagi lompat2 macam arnab sana sini... no problem with Wolly. Die inquisitive. If memasak ke buat air ke, kena hati2. Die suke tetiba senyap2 datang. Hidu2. Hidu2 molek tak ape. Ni try jatuhkan mende yang aku potong tu la. Tumpahkan milo atas karpet putih ku laa. Walaupon angel, tapi kenkadang tu kena jerit gak la. Haha. Cuma kena adjust je la position letak barang tu kalau Wolly datang. Die memang busybody.
Paling tak boleh blah. Suke masuk bilik air nak minum air dari jamban. Eiii. Geram.
Alsoo.. been meaning to blog this. If you have an extra money and feeling charitable and want to do good for these previously stray cats, please give a bit to the below shelter.
Their FB page is here :
What they do is, they took in hundred of stray cats that was previously in Pandan City in JB and setup a shelter for these poor kittehs. They relied on people donation to keep things going and currently are struggling to keep up. I am not a volunteer nor an admin, however I had been following their progress and I think their cause is worth highlighting.
So if you do, please give a bbit to these poor kitties.
Their Maybank account is as below. Those who wants to know more.. you can head on to their FB page.
Maybank 5513 3353 1459 (PER PENGKASIHAN HAIWAN)
Alsoo.. been meaning to blog this. If you have an extra money and feeling charitable and want to do good for these previously stray cats, please give a bit to the below shelter.
Their FB page is here :
What they do is, they took in hundred of stray cats that was previously in Pandan City in JB and setup a shelter for these poor kittehs. They relied on people donation to keep things going and currently are struggling to keep up. I am not a volunteer nor an admin, however I had been following their progress and I think their cause is worth highlighting.
So if you do, please give a bbit to these poor kitties.
Their Maybank account is as below. Those who wants to know more.. you can head on to their FB page.
Maybank 5513 3353 1459 (PER PENGKASIHAN HAIWAN)
p/s: aku gi gatal pi tuka template. will change back to the old one again. Found none to my liking... unless I want to pay