My expensive (for me la) lunch. Aku suke sangat O briens. Their bread is awesome and before this I ordered their salmon sandwich yg slathered with cream cheese and I fell out of love. Cheese is not meant to be eaten with salmon kut. It absolutely killed the taste.
So I ordered my favorite sandwich which is the sundried tomato one with ciabatta bread and my faith in O Briens had been restored. That great tomato taste which imo opinion most probably oven baked rather than sundried but hey with pollution level nowadays I am not complaining. Kemudian the cheese that goes into this sandwich just mesh well la. It is sticky gooey but not creamy. Just as I like it . Also makan apple pie which is not so great tapi tak kesah la. So this whole post is about a sandwich. No wonder I tombam.
sbb aku xmampu buat haha .. ;)