Kamon Dila jangan malas.
Last month sangatlah busy , selalu balik lewat. Fuh. Kenkadang kesian dengan anak. Takut die tak kenal mak pon ye jugak. Dah la bapak nye memang senantiasa tiada, ni mak pon selalu tadek sebab keje. Bulan lepas punye busy, balik rumah kul 9, makan, amik anak dari rumah akak, then tidurkan Ajis which usually die akan lena dalam 11.30 then sambung balik buat keje sampai kul 2 a.m.
Lagi2 Ajis dah start makan, lagi la lewat tidur as I will cook his food so besok my maid will just panaskan je. I don't want her to cook because I had tasted her cooking and it is sooo salty. And I don't trust her to listen to me (because she usually don't) also it is always best food being cooked by mom itself no matter how simple or terrible.
My waktu tidur nowadays is 3 a.m. I have no idea how time went by so fast. There were times I cried. Times I feel like I did not get enough support from my maid ( who is lazy as hell ), from my husband and yes I sometimes blame my infant son for not being supportive of mommy. However I am glad I live near my sister, I don't cook so I went to her house. As I don't trust my maid who is not a bad sort, only lazy and don't have a lot of common sense, I sent her to my sister house so at least there is another pair of eyes. She don't approve of this. However after I had told her many times the lantai at rumah needs mopping every day and she still don't do what I say, I don't think so I can trust her on other stuffs, when even things like mop rumah pon setelah berkali-kali diberitahu she can't do. She lied too, saying she did, when I know exactly that pieces of crumbs at the kitchen had been there for 2 days. Sigh. Maid. Hate em, but can't' live without em. However I am trying to find a way to live without em and aside from taking care of my kid, I honestly think I can because she does nothing else. I told my husband after her 1 year is up, sent her back. But by sending her back, I also do not know what other choices I have. Sigh. But I don't think so I can deal with maids again.
Ok. Sesi meluahkan perasaan sudah habis.
Now about Ajis.
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Tengah tengok makcik2 berbual sambil makan biskut |
I think the last time I updated he baru nak golek. Hoi sekarang dah merangkak ok. Merangkak komando style la. But recently he had used his knees a lot.
His uncle called him ulat bulu besar. And yes, his hair is like a toupee kan. Dr Vernon (his paed) , mentioned that he have Julius Caesar hair.
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Gambar malam tadi. Excuse the mess, mummy die memang begitu. Montelnye perut anak akuu. |
Herm... can't see it from this pic, but when he is at his naughtiest and his curl is all over the place, he does look like a mini Julius Caesar. Haha.
He is not that fussy anymore selepas tahu merangkak. Can sleep easily nowadays, he will guling2 and sometimes I layan him, sing2 or ask him about stuffs, he loved it for approx 5 mins but then prefer to paling his muka to the other side ( tak ngadap mak la) macam die dah "ok enough lovin2 time Ajis wants some me time", then he babbles2 sendiri then tido.
He lovess cats. He will tarik the ekor, telinga and bulu. So far the cats buat bodo je, but don't push your luck la kan. I always tell him no, but I wonder if knows what 'No' meant. But I also do not want to totally separate him and the cats so both will be familiar with each other. My sister pon sekarang have a cat, and if Ajis saw the cat he will merangkak to him so fast.
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Sibuk nak kejar si Asad tu ( Asad is the cat la) |
As for food, I am cooking him bubur every day. Currently the menu is bubur + sup ayam + sayur2 puree or bubur + sup ikan tenggiri + sayur2 puree or bubur + sweet potato & raisin puree + ikan bilis. Sonang. Ikan pon setakat ni, ikan tenggiri je laa anak ye. Salmon cekik darah kut. Ikan tenggiri pon rase nak jerut leher tengok harga.
So food die penuh la dengan protein and carbs and not too much sayur. Pastu memang laaa anak tu nangis-nangis last weekend memerut. Kesian, berak taik keras. So now I also pesan my maid, after his food, he have to eat the fruits I provided. Sometimes it just betik yang dah dimash2 by maid or other fruit puree like mango and pear. Anak aku ni memang nganga je bile orang suap, so sekarang ni memang die tadek preference. Senang nak prepare makan. Tengok je la perut kat atas kan...
I was thinking to buy a slow cooker, tapi tak beli2 lagi takut membazir, also sebab nak tunggu husband ai balik la. Haha. Slow cooker pon kedekut nak beli, but itu la. I think it would be easier, because I don't have to cook things separately la. Tengok la wehh. Banyak je mende nak kena beli ni bile dah ade anak. Mak nye nak tengok baju kat poplook pon tak tengok2 lagi.
Tapi kan sebab poplook ni pemes sangat ramai sangat orang ade the same baju. I try ordering from other online shop, gua beli size L kut, kecik dan senteng ok! Kecik tu ok lagi, tapi aku ni dah size S dah, kenapa baju tu senteng? What I like about poplook is because the model is my size, so aku boleh agak bile see the baju if it fits me or not. Ni kalau model tu yg anorexic diperagakan oleh Eastern European model, agak susah la aku nak imagine how the baju look on me. Yes, yes ukuran ade. Tapi rajin sangat ke aku ni nak ukur lilit diri sendiri.
Eh, nanti I update about the cats pulak. No major updates pon for the cats. Semua sihat belaka.
kite pn suke poplook sbb bj dia detailing mmg nice.. n it fit me properly.. huhu
Kite tak beli2 lagi baju kat poplook. Haha. Selalu usha je lebih.