Nampak benar mati idea nak letak tajuk ape. I should really post my book reviews, tapi nanti la. Weekend ke.
Sekarang ni I can puasa lagi, I tuang on Selasa because by Monday malam tu I dah rase tak terlarat sangat, mengantuk, badan rase lemah. So I opted to opt out of puasa. Tapi setakat ni Selasa tu je la bertuang. Hari ni maseh gagah! (Insya Allah).
While I can WFH, I went to office on Wednesday and Thursday untuk mintak official confirmation dari big boss to WFH until I deliver la. I found that it is not too tiring banding di rumah. Mungkin sebab if kat rumah gatal je nak buat macam-macam mende, so tu yang jadi penat terlampau. Kat office tak bergerak dari kerusi unless pegi solat. Aircond office pon membantu keadaan optimum untuk tenaga ibu mengandung.
Yang tak terlarat tu menghadapi jem tu. Jem nak masuk taman perumahan laa. Haih la. Too many people nowadays live in Ukay Perdana, nak buat guano kan. Ukay Perdana exit in MRR2 is now the new hellish Pandan exit. It does not help also with Duke just a short distance away, so kereta2 sume bertambah lagi. As for me, bile jem I think because I am kinda tension, so the baby in belly acting up a bit, galak-galak move around.
So here I am again WFH. Husband suke sebab die risau je if tetiba my water broke at work ke :p , I pon suke because I don't have to face the hellish jem and ade extra time untuk tidur and kucing-kucing suke sebab die orang boleh jalan-jalan atas laptop. I just need to make sure to just stay put and not move around so much so I can work effectively at home, tanpa rase nak pengsan.
The cats are now sleeping peacefully. Both Kurap and Bobby opting to sleep on the bed. I don't usually let Bobby sleep on the bed sebab malas nak encourage more cats filling up the space on the bed yang memang dah kecik tu. Tapi since die cedera lepas bergaduh dengan kucing I tak sampai hati nak halau.
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Memang best friend dedua ni. |
You can see the luka there. Luka tu dah dried out and he had been given antibiotics to prevent infection macam yang terjadi at Kurap. So I think he's ok. Tinggal nak tunggu the luka heal and bulu tumbuh balik je.
I let him out on Sunday kejab. Sekejab je, kasik die keluar a while. So he always like being outside sebab he likes to kunyah2 the rumput and just roam around the laman rumah. He never venture far and this time, I noticed he just stay at the grass area at my home. Then dengar bunyi kucing gaduh at front, I took a look and found an orange cat terrorizing Bobby. There were fur everywhere. Simbah air sikit, kucing jantan tu lari and sempat leave his mark kat tong sampah luar. Saje je kan tunjuk dominance. Bobby sibuk nak kejar, but I picked him up and lock him back in the house. Tengok-tengok later ade luka sebenarnye.
But he does not showed that it is painful even when we washes the luka, so I guess the cat just took a chunk of his skin away. Stilllll... kesian Bobby and menyusahkan aku. Haha. Lepas ni macam kena supervised kucing-kucing ni pulak kat luar.
Ok. Nak baring-baring kejab.
ko dh sempat ra kuah2 raya yg berkenan dihati tak?keke...takut kang kempunan lak nk raya ni.hehe.nway..pape update kami ye
Ala next week macam awal sangat... aku harap 39th ke .. haha.
Ape2 nanti aku update .
Sekarang ni husband saya letak dawai kat grill pintu so die orang boleh tengok luar dapat udara segar tapi tak boleh keluar. Hehe. Kesiannn.