Husband is most probably gonna be home by this weekend. Happy! Ade orang nak mop rumah! Dan gantikan lampu yang dah blow kat porch.
My neighbour cat birthed 4 kittehs. 2 died, and only 2 left now. She kept on asking me, before the first one died, that they looked sick and what should she do. I did mentioned she need to bring them to the vet, ni dah 2 mati still she asks me the same and I kinda lose my patience a bit. I said that "saya sendiri tak tahu la, kena la bawak pegi vet. Anak kucing senang kena penyakit". But I doubt she did. Sigh. Kesian tengok anak kucing tu, she said makan ok, and all. But I am not sure if she really keeps track if the kitten eats or not sebab nampak really kurus.
My other neighbour pulak asked my opinion on how to train a cat in the litterbox sebab her children wants to adopt a cat from SPCA. I am happy to learn of a family who opt to adopt from SPCA! Yeay for them!. Also nampak gaya macam aku ni the go to for person in the neighbourhood untuk advise for cats kaa?
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For my own cats, I got so many scratches from GollyWolly. She seems really fixated on my face and if I tengah bersantai-santai di sofa, she will try to lick and sniff around my face and mouth. Tak tahu laa kenapa. At least dulu Bobby will only be fixated on my fingers. Mcm yesterday, frustrated that she can't get to my face as I was sitting straight on watching the TV, she jumped up to reach my face, tapi dapat at my throat. Gahhh. Ini semua terjadi sebab Bobby malas layan si Wolly and opt to go to sleep. So if Bobby tidur, GollyWolly will gravitate to me. Die tak berani nak dekat dengan diva Kurap. Kurap depended on her mood will tolerate the kittehs, but she still spank Wolly if Wolly datang dekat2. So she goes to me. If I am at dapur washing dishes ke ape ke, she will be between my legs, bawah kain. I remembered Puteh used to do that, tapi Puteh sebab takut kena wallop dengan Kurap. Wolly do that sebab she wants to play with my kain batik punye hem.
I also thinks I now keep on getting that the Braxton Hicks Contractions. And it is a major pain kalau stuck dalam jam. Maybe because by sitting in one position for so long and blood going upstairs bile ade drivers bodoh on the roads. Rase macam nak on hazard light and tekan hon lama-lama, suruh orang bagi me through so I can reach home and baring. Sigh.
Someone mentioned about how husband and babies make better accessories than branded stuffs. I am like pissed reading it. Because I don't like to think pet as accessories apatah lagi your family. You are comparing family to a material things? Is that even comparable? I much rather see people have their Chanel, than having a kid they don't really want in the first place. Kan? Kadang-kadang in twitter ni, ramai I notice berlumba-lumba trying to come out with the most awe-inspiring, wisdomly quotes, tapi most of the time punye lah berpeluh memikirkan sentences to look sage, some people ended up looking like a twit. I hate quotes. Do people really got their inspiration in life by reading random sentences! I guess you can regurgitate one out in moment of 'pencerahan Agung' bab kata Asrol dulu, tapi if selalu sangat... ehhh... you got so many problems in life ke? Are you trying to reach for something? Are you just attention whoring?
I guess it is better that FB where the quotes came with big ass pictures of nature. I am now in the processed of unsubscribing people who kept on doing this. Quotes punye la banyak macam nak jadi the next Tony Robbins, tapi next status update duk kutuk-kutuk work colleagues, saying the colleagues dengki kat die. This people laaa!
I think this is most probably I got back to blogging somewhat regularly. Facebook dah lama I lose interest but I mostly open to guris-guriskan hati sendiri setiap kali bukak page KTAJ. So many unwanted kittehs~!! Twitter is fun half the time, half exasperating. Blog I can go and read what I want as I please and ignore those I don't like.
Some people mentioned I update a lot about kittehs. They way they said it like I had let them down or something. Hmmmm.... At first I kinda pissed la , now ... lantak la. I don't owe my readers anything. I don't have ads, and don't depend my livelihood on them. It is after all tempat melepaskan perasaan kan.
Also I spent my MPH vouchers on this!
Best tahu tak perasaan beli buku baru tu.
Habiskan duit dgn beli buku pun akak punya cara utk terapi jiwa bila stress. Terasa nikmat sgt bila dapat shopping for books. Best tak buku2 ni?
Saya ni kenkadang suke membeli je, tapi baca punye la lama baru pickup buku tu. Yang The Rogue tu, saya suke trilogy first die, so ni tgk continue series die la. Yang satu lagi tu, saya baca review sana sini semua orang sangatlah suke, so saya pon pick up jugak :D
Saya ni kenkadang suke membeli je, tapi baca punye la lama baru pickup buku tu. Yang The Rogue tu, saya suke trilogy first die, so ni tgk continue series die la. Yang satu lagi tu, saya baca review sana sini semua orang sangatlah suke, so saya pon pick up jugak :D
Dan aku perasan aku byk hilang followers maybe sbb aku takde quotes or sbb aku tak fun atau sbb aku tweet pasal kucing je. Hahaha.
Cakap kat Kurap, diva Aoi dari Kuantan kirim salam, hehe..
Tahnye. Aku pon tak kesah la. Dah itu kut yg ongoing in life. Ade jugak la mende lain, tapi cerita mende2 yg mcm private sangat pon tak best jugak kan.