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Showing posts from May, 2012

Makan - Makan Post

I had been hankering for a holiday for my pregnant self. Nak pergi mana-mana. Tapi dengan keadaan husband yang ade kat Malaysia macam biskut chipsmore, kejab ade, lagi lamanye tadek. So tak kesempatan. I sangat frust, he knows I sangat frust. Though some might argue there is still time (weekend lepas or weekend ni) tapi aku tanakk okehh beramai-ramai sangkut dalam jem dan aku kepenatan time cuti sekolah ni. Aku memang banyak songeh. I don't like quick weekend getaway. I prefer an extra day leave for my trouble of travelling. Ok. Paragraph atas tu adalah complain semata-mata sebab aku nak berjalan wehhh.  Fine. Sebab tak leh berjalan sebab salah sendiri pon, aku paksa husband belanja at Tamarind Springs, the Indochine restaurant one.  Tu adalah starter free. Ko pergi tempat mahal bagus la kan ade mende2 free disogok dulu so tadekle rase keberatan nak order yang mahal kann.  Ala ... kerepek je pon tapi sedap la jugak. Dan dalam sudu tu adalah ... tah la....

Point Rambles

Aku adalah super tempted nak beli satu kipas letak atas meja ni. Kepanasan niii.  Tetiba.  Nak menulis blog tapi my head feels like it is in a jam as I am feeling super uncomfortable with the heat. Boleh tak aku nak work from a coffee shop yang aircond die bagaikan angin artik??? Maybe in point form?  1. Aku maseh kepanasan. Kenapa opis tadek ice machine??? Kenapa opis punye cold water dispenser is lukewarm at best??? kenapa... kenapa... kenapaaa.... 2. They cancelled The Secret Circle, which makes me a bit sad because the show is finally finding its groove. But it got its groove like in the last 3 or 4 episode before the finale so too late, unlike Vampire Diaries, that got good and better and better around episode 10. Kevin Williamson needs to build better buildup. I am interested to watch Cult though.  3. Bought a clutch which I used as a purse. Senangg. Boleh sumbat handphone sekali 4. It is still kinda funny to me to see my stomach moving...

Super malas pikir title

I almost typed titties up there. If you played Scramble with Friends with me, tit and tits are also the words I frequently added, sebab senang nak ingat. Haha.  Husband is coming back tomorrow. Die sedikit merajuk sebab I malas amik die kat airport. Tapi last time I amik die, I turned up in a ladang kelapa sawit punye estet ok. My navigational skills is that bad ( nasib baik my brief stint in pengakap tadek test kena baca map ), that even the jalan ke KLIA pon I boleh fail. And I was using GPS! GPS suruh masuk ladang tu (tuding jari ke arah GPS). Nasib baik bukan tengah malam! Kalau time I amik die pukul 12 tgh malam, mesti aku dah stop kereta, nangis kejab dan sambung drive balik. Tu pon sekejab je nangisnye, sebab takut mende lain tumpang. LOL.  This time sebab, immediately after he arrived here we planned to head back to JB, I asked him to take a taxi to my home. Got lots of chores to settle also before going back, so lagi senang for both.  Can't wait to g...

Book Review : Mirror, Mirror

With all the fascination with Snow White nowadays ( the movies, series Once Upon A Time) I think it is only fitting that I finally read my copy of Gregory Maguire Mirror, Mirror. The retelling of the famous fairytale.  First I wanna say why I bought this book. I was intrigued by Gregory Maguire books, because I always like a retelling of a famous tale. I had once read Wicked , but I only half enjoyed it, and found this book at Book Xcess. Tahu je la Book Xcess, the book is cheap... and beautiful.  The book is a hard cover book with a beautiful dust jacket for only RM24. That is the outer part. If I take out the dust jacket...  Pretty! So of course I was intrigued.  Dan ini adalah kes, don't judge a book by its cover in a literal form. Sebab the story bored me to tears. While I half like and half bored/confused with Wicked, Mirror Mirror left me feeling resentful towards the author.  The Retelling:  Well, this Snow Wh...


When I was in uni, I like to do stuffs alone. Go out alone. Shop alone. Go to class alone. The early years. I got scoffs and mocked for it I think. But I think I was happy then. While I am happy when I am with friends, I don't get the vindictiveness some people have, just because I prefer to do things all by myself.  The thing is because... simply I hate asking. I don't like the thought that asking people to accompany me.  I always feel like I am not a good company. I don't feel like they want to hang out with me, and rather to see people hesitate when I ask, I rather not ask.  Nowadays, I found the joy of doing stuffs alone again. I am not burdened with girl dramas so I can go out anytime I like doing whatever the things I like. Maybe not go out with random guys like I used to :p but I can basically do stuffs I want if I want it and I don't need other people to go with me.  Sometimes I think I like to isolate myself. Perhaps I idly wondered why people d...

MTV dream

Now and then I'll have a completely wild dream. No zombie. No.. it is more like rom coms type of dreams.  Recently I had a dream. It felt like I was in a music video.  I dreamt I was young, wild and Caucasian. ( Ni kes banyak sangat tengok series US ni).  I was waiting to perform , fiddling, at a bar during the twilight hour. I remember because everything is orange. The sun is setting down. I was sitting clutching my violin, eyes rapt on the stage. There was a young man, performing on a stool. Rocking a guitar. He looked a lot like Christian Kane with his long hair (if you watch Leverage it is Elliot Spencer, but to me he will always be Lindsey from Angel).  He finished performing. There was a wild applause. He was good. Very, very good. I remembered I then stood up, walked up to him as he walked off the stage and then practically I threw myself at him. Jumped at him, wrapping my legs around and we kissed. A long incredibly passionate kiss. We broke ...
