A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A Clash of Kings is set a few months after the ending of Game of Thrones.
It picks up again with all the impending wars of the realm and the fight to get the thrones.
In this book too, I am introduced to a whole lot of other characters. In the first book, I only need to acquaint myself with the Stark and Lannister house mostly. In this book, I have to get to know the Greyjoy and Baratheon. In the next book ( from the sneak peek I read ) , it will include the Tyrell House. So many characters so little plot advance.
Things move slowly in this book 2, which I guess is only the start of my frustration on this series. I am pissed at first to get to know this relatively new characters. I was thinking " I want to know only of the old characters not caring a whit for the new one". But I guess the author feels that for at least 1 side of the realm, we must have a narrator. It does give a clearer picture, but it does slow down the story. By the end of the book, you feel like the plot barely move.
However the book does not feel slow, it is fast pace enough, chock full of court intrigue ( just the way I like it ), warring and angst. So many angst. In the middle of the book, it got a bit much, and I have to take a breather again, but right at the end, it picked up steam again. Which left the readers wanting more.
While I do have the third and fourth book, I don't think I will read it so soon after I had finished this one. It is best to take a break and read a few other books in between before resuming the series. After all, I think George R.R. Martin had only finished a few chapters of the 6th book. We are a long way from over.
I give it all stars because I love on how everything I predicted of the characters still does not come to be or turn out completely different. I wonder what they'll do next.
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