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Post with pics

Sebab aku malas nak pikir tajuk.

Anyway, I think most of us sudah in mood raya. Mana yang berkerja, mesti liat je nak buat keje (moi!). Mana yang dah cuti agaknye sudah excited nak balik sambil nyanyi lagu raya if not out loud, at least di dalam kepala or playing it on their car audio player. Me, personally never like lagu raya. I guess I associate it with my childhood years. Balik kampung, dozing in the car while the car stereo playing Raya songs while my Dad was driving. After my Dad died, I noticed that I never care much about lagu raya and hate it when other people speakers is blaring lagu Raya out loud. I was never sad, just I don't really like it.

So you people who like to blare out loud lagu raya at the office, don't do so. Not ALL people have the same preference okeh? (Jab lagi nak mintak maap, so aku sound-sound je dulu)

Mari cerita pasal Fasha dan Kurap sebentar. Nak gamba sebagai brief intermission.

By the way, tomorrow we will be sending off Fasha and Kurap to the pet boarding. Kesian tul. Kurap hate cage with all her little heart can muster. Once I put her in the cage, then she found herself a small opening where the cage wall had come off a bit when I was carrying it (and I didn't see it at the time) and proceed to wriggle her way out to freedom. Memula aku ingatkan Kurap tu is Houdini incarnated sudah, pelik gile tengok die kat luar cage. Lain pulak dengan Fasha. If I put Fasha in a cage, terus terbongkang membuta.

Oh, yeah. We are keeping Kurap at the moment sebab kesian meh nak buang die. Not sure yet if we will keep her for sure. At least Kurap is better behave than Fasha. Because Fasha semalam telah kencing di atas my mom's new bag, so sume orang sangat la bengang dengan Fasha. I whacked her a bit and sent her to the cage for timeout. Tho I doubt she realized the magnitude of her crime.

Fasha and Kurap can get along now, tho adalah masa mereka berbunuh-bunuhan jua. Especially time pagi-pagi, Fasha dah weng-weng nak tido and Kurap sibuk ajak main. But most of the time it is pretty good. Kurap tu got poor hygiene sikit, while Fasha is OCD about licking her fur (tengok la fur die sungguh gleaming). When we kept them apart, I do not notice any improvement on Kurap hygiene. When we decide to let them run amok together, I notice Kurap is looking a bit more wholesome and I kinda guessed that Fasha mesti is helping Kurap in looking a bit nicer.

Then I manage to snap this.

Hoi, macam obscene~!

Anyway, we all (termasuk la Fasha dan Kurap) mahu mengucapkan

dan Maaf jika ade tersilap kata, terasa hati, terkuciwa kan sesiapa.

credit: me for snapping the photos, to husband sebab die punye kamera and settings and die la rajin nak mengphotoshopkan gamba Abid main bunga api tu. Kalo aku, mspaint suda agaknyer. Haha.


Anasfadilah said…
fasha ni mulia gak la tolong kurap cuci bulu..heheh..cuteness!

selamat hari raya to u too Dils :D
FrH said…
aku pn malassss nak buat keje .. tp esk keje lg .. tp esk bos aku dah cuti .. yeayyyyy .. hehe

selamat hari raya dila. raya thn ni aku nak raya umah kau tau. tp umah kl laa .. jgn abiskan kuih okkk. hehe
Anonymous said…
haha. obscene photos? I LOL.

slamat hari raya gak dils. oi blk johor! :P
Dils said…
Geli hati plak aku baca Fasha digambarkan as mulia. Haha. Tapi die memang suke jilat-jilat bulu. Kurap pulak suke jilat-jilat orang. Tak kesahkan bulu die. Hehe.

Esok aku dh start cuti! Yippeee! Best ittuu...

Ko nak raya umah aku? Haha.. bole bole. Tapi technically umah akak aku la. Umah aku belom ade lagi. Hehe.

Dengar raya ke Johor sorang-sorang? Parents balik KL. Hihi. Bile lagi nak merasa KL time lengang. (Actually time Chinese New Year memang lengang yang amat pon)

Oi. Mesti la balik JB. Tetiba teringat arisa. Anda memang PURE johor if you know what arisa is. Hehe.
dueng said…
sudah cuti. terengganu kan cuti jumaat. haaa...lega rasa. leh drive slow2 balik rumah.

eh...wait...rumah kat kuantan je. takde feel pun balik kampung. :P

selamat hari raya dils.

owh..kucing anda sangat comel tapi saya tidak suka kucing. hehehe.
Dils said…
Hahaha. Asal feel holiday sudah and the food time raya nanti!

Cats da best!
Naddie Anuar said…
Tumpang Lalu.

I love cats!!! Comel sgt kucen2 itu jilat each other :) my cats ske buat camtu jugak.

Selamat Hari Raya~
Edna Sinn said…
ouh,kat rmh my dad ada org buang baby kucing juga,kesian btol,kami bela for the time being,tapi my mom x suka kucing hoh,skrg ni x tau la nak keep or mcm mana,sbb my mom bising btol ada kucing kat rmh.
Dils said…
Sometimes I oso tumpang lalu to your blog too. Hehe.

Oh. Fasha tu je yang suke jilat-jilat Kurap. But Kurap like to jilat-jilat manusia plak.

Selamat Hari Raya to you too.

Kesian je kan anak-anak kucing tu. Kalo buang kucing besar, I guess ok jugak la. But kucing-kucing kecik ni, slalunye mesti tak boleh survive.

Try la advert at Mane taw ade orang murah hati nak amik.


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