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Showing posts from February, 2009

Super Unmotivated

That's because its a Friday. Kepala cam berpinar. This maybe due to a heavy lunch I had. Maybe the last heavy lunch I will have for weeks. I started writing this in point but the paragraph looks retarded so make it like a highlighted points. Woots! Toll Toll for AKLEH had risen 50sen which sucks. I depends on AKLEH quite heavily. "Its only a jalan alternatif". Not when taking the other road would increase my on the road time to more than 1 hour. Edited: Oh tidak jadi. Yeay! Fashion Fashion faux paus for women wearing heels. Price tag underneath your shoes. Peeled it off altogether. Not just the price bits. Thinking of making a kebaya. Money is a problem. As it always is. Another fashion faux paus for women. Blemished legs. Wear pantyhose when wearing a skirt. I wondered why some women are afraid of colours. One even kinda weirdly asked me if I would wear a bright red blouse. I would. And experiment with colours la girls. We are still young. (Walaupon other people might in...
Have to work overtime today. Kenapakah mesti overtime apabila aku tak makan lunch. Kepala jadi weng okehs. *shrugs* Tidak mengapa kerna ade orang dah order 5 Dominoes Pizza. Woootsss! Eh. I thought that I didn't want to comment much on the Oscars but I watched the Star Movies Red Carpet moments and I just can't NOT comment. This is the Star Movies reporter y'all so the one who is not important enough to get past the velvet rope but have to make do by reporting it just on the sideline. So that is gonna be tough. I don't relish his jobs. If Seacrest who is walking on the Red Carpet pon kena dissed by Brangelina, apatah lagi these reporters yang tak dikenali. Although I cringed when the reporter calls to Robert Downey Jr was unheeded by the Iron Man who was then answering questions to the journalist next to him, I have to chuckle when Fred Willard swooped in and said " Robert won't talk to you! But I will!" . Heh... And no. I don't think I know exactly w...

Ho hurmph Monday

Oscar Fevers all around. Don't feel like commenting on a whole lot of it. I am only excited that The Duchess does deserved its Best Costume awards. I think this is probably also because I only manage to watch that film of all the films nominated (Dark Knight is expected to win on its win and also of course la Wall.E) walaupon film itu hanya dapat 1 nomination. Tapi bile I watch it movie I was actually really amazed with its costume design. The wigs are really monstrously gravity defying high and the clothes are really lovely. While watching Keire Knightley cried her eyes out, I was also thinking " Oh God. Her dress fabric designs of little blue roses is really lovely. I would love to have those as my curtains or sofas. I would even love it as a blouse.Heck! I could even wear it in sync with my sofas and curtains ." Now. With thoughts like that don't it deserved its own Oscar? And I still would love to have that fabric of blue roses for a blouse. Ho hum. Anyway. My co...


Hey you, its Friday night. Been planning to download me some Grey's but little fuckers that is more widely known as computer viruses had burst into my computer and having a party wrecking through all of my programs. The computer is now a mess and downright unsalvageable. I can't even get into Safe Mode and it changed all of the .exe files in my computer to malicious files. So haruslah mengformat komputer di malam sabtu inih. Though actually my husband is adoing it while I am typing this blog entry on his laptop. Theeheee. I am one of those females who are completely at lost when it comes to formatting their computer, walaupon aku adalah kekononnyer system programmer though I am actually kinda handy with eradicating computer viruses. (Percayalah statement aku yang boleh di-vouch oleh lelaki2 macho yang pening kepala nak buang spyware dari computer. Yelah kate dulu keje dengan antivirus company. Kononnye. ). Tetapi these little fuckers is too persistently horrible that we both th...

Shorts short

Something baffles me. I want McDonald Milkshakes. But am afraid of weight gain. My head still feels woozy. I also want Tomyam. I think I kinda stupid. Wonder why somethings are different. Don't feel like driving aggresively today. I don't feel thin enough. My cat is cute when she is nipping my fingers at early morning. She is not cute when she is nipping at my feet when I am in a rush. I sometimes hate a person I don't care to elaborate who. Hurm, I wonder if I did something correctly. I will write more later. About something else. Obviously.

Oh belog ku...

I was thinking about writing about my exes. Adalah 1, 2 cerita yang hendak di-rehash and gelak-gelakkan. But I just couldn't find the mood yet. Kena ade mood ok nak belog2. Anyway, I don't have any big plans for the weekend, rilek2 aje lah di rumah. Hermmmm... I was thinking the blog world had become a little lacklustre. I don't really know why. Probably too many people are doing it. So many are cashing in on it. Which comes to another question on why haven't I joined that Nuffnangers. I wondered that myself. At first I am kinda hesitant to blog for the sole reason of money and was thinking bukannye ramai pon visitor aku. Sekarang ni macam... hmmm macam menarik je kan. A lot of people are doing it and aku pon like money. And most of them love to blog. Some of them blogs are pretty mindless empty postings anyway. Posting full of fluffs. But most of my posting are like that. It have no defined body in it. Bercerita je la pasal ape2 pon. My purpose to blog seems to diffe...

Weekend Snaps

This morning I am so pissed myself. Packed myself a chicken bun my sister bought yesterday. Then tertinggal di atas meja. Gah! Missed my breakfast la camnih. Anyway... I think I would post my past weekends recap briefly. I figured out that I would mostly put up just few pics to recap my past weekends. So here it goes. On the long Federal Weekend, went to Melaka. With the usual girls. Went to Jonker Street. Bought these stuffs. When gotten back to the hotel room, we played these old card games again and basically we had a blast that night and for the whole trip too. (Gohan might have a different idea. Hehe). Also before getting back to KL, manage to stop at that Melaka Dataran Pahlawan Megamall as we saw a banner informing that there is a Times Warehouse book sales ongoing. Bought a few, of course. Last long Thaipusam weekend pulak, on Saturday morning pergi ke KLCC to catch Bride Wars. Ok enough la. Pretty fun and predictable. Afterwards, went browsing at Kinokuniya and bought myself t...

Peep A Boo

Currently there are a few incidents at the office (as reported by the management) that a peeping tom had been alurking. Described as some witnesses "a figure in a peeping position". I wonder what is the so called peeping position. I remembered girls telling stories of the very weird psychotic lustful 'kakak' at campus who took pictures of her housemates in the shower from the top of the shower cubicles. Supposedly she was going to give it to her boyfriend for both of them to enjoy. Afterwards, heard that her housemates become a bit jittery and had to resort going to the shower in pairs, one of them guarding the toilet door outside to ensure no illegal photography being taken. Also, there was another case of a peeping tom at my previous office that seems to prefer to do its 'activities' during the night shift. One girl telling a friend, saw a hand from below her cubicle (reaching? groping? taking picture?) and she slapped it away with her bag. When sheopened h...

Kete rusak pulak

and I am currently at home abeskan tengok True Blood. Cilaker je kan. Padahal ade banyak je keje kat opis. But lantak la and I need to wait for the 'pomen' to come pon. Kalu tidak camne esok aku nak gi keje? Naik teksikah? Dah la selalu balik lambat. Gah! At least nasib baik the car wouldn't start at home. Last night ada tanda2 dah, but I manage to start the car after all. Bayangkan la kalo kete itu rusak tengah2 that dark parking lot where ade transvestite melakukan aktiviti2 "servis". ( I was just about to drive out of the parking lot one night and terkezut aku taw. Tetiba je ade 1 she-man kuar out of the dark macam creature of the night. Muka die dissapointed je finding out its a woman driving that car and she went back to her dark place ). Ah ok la. Laters.

So busy

and I wish I am not :( Ugh. Anyway. Performance appraisal is over. That is a load of my mind. However, I am still very busy, so I guess I am just updating to say I am busy, not in a coma or dead. Got few posts wanting to put up, need to wait til later then. Ok. Later.
