The issue is somewhat solved. Well not entirely, but its not as disastrous as I thought it would be.
First of all, thanks all for your concern. Huhu, I am very touched indeed by all your concerns.
Well, I finally got my wedding dress. Baju kurung la more specifically. Bile cakap wedding dress, gowns and frills comes to mind.
Last Friday, I had already hardened my resolve to go and buy a new dress or beg some seamstresses to jahit me a new one. However luck as have it, come early on Saturday morning. The tukang jahit, SMS me apologizing (not profusely enough I think.. hehe) saying that she was very ill and had closed her shop for a while. (Tapi kenapa tak letak notice ek?). I was really relieved that I do not admonish her. (Kang die bakar baju aku sape nak ganti...)
She said that she will ask her husband to give me the dress on Saturday. It do not come. Then on Sunday. It do not come. Then on Monday, it do not come. I am beginning to be jittery and start thinking again on Plan B. Then yesterday, she finally gave me back the dress. Ingatkan nak tegur la, lain kali letak notice ke ape ke kan, but her husband pick an inopportune time to give me back the dress (I was in training at the moment so time tu pikir ambik, bayar, naik opis balik cepat2), so no admonishment came forward. Hurm.
(tapi I am like that, kenkadang time tu je marah lebih then I totally forgot)
Well, so I got back the dress after all eh. The dress itself was OK. The beads was nice enough, however the baju is a bit besar (SAYA SUDAH SLIM! Cewah!). Her husband did mention just call her back if any alteration or nak add beads lg kan. Tapi macam tak berani plak. Takut nanti tah bile lagi plak akan dapat the baju nanti.
So I brought it to one of the seamstress that I also upah to jahit the other wedding dress, since she seems to do quite an excellent job on that other dress.
Kiranye dah ada la solution. All ends well I guess, as soon as I got my dress and probably brought it to dry clean a bit as ade lg kesan2 chalk kat baju. Ugh.
p/s: Obama dah jadi President. None of our concern eh?

First of all, thanks all for your concern. Huhu, I am very touched indeed by all your concerns.
Well, I finally got my wedding dress. Baju kurung la more specifically. Bile cakap wedding dress, gowns and frills comes to mind.
Last Friday, I had already hardened my resolve to go and buy a new dress or beg some seamstresses to jahit me a new one. However luck as have it, come early on Saturday morning. The tukang jahit, SMS me apologizing (not profusely enough I think.. hehe) saying that she was very ill and had closed her shop for a while. (Tapi kenapa tak letak notice ek?). I was really relieved that I do not admonish her. (Kang die bakar baju aku sape nak ganti...)
She said that she will ask her husband to give me the dress on Saturday. It do not come. Then on Sunday. It do not come. Then on Monday, it do not come. I am beginning to be jittery and start thinking again on Plan B. Then yesterday, she finally gave me back the dress. Ingatkan nak tegur la, lain kali letak notice ke ape ke kan, but her husband pick an inopportune time to give me back the dress (I was in training at the moment so time tu pikir ambik, bayar, naik opis balik cepat2), so no admonishment came forward. Hurm.
(tapi I am like that, kenkadang time tu je marah lebih then I totally forgot)
Well, so I got back the dress after all eh. The dress itself was OK. The beads was nice enough, however the baju is a bit besar (SAYA SUDAH SLIM! Cewah!). Her husband did mention just call her back if any alteration or nak add beads lg kan. Tapi macam tak berani plak. Takut nanti tah bile lagi plak akan dapat the baju nanti.
So I brought it to one of the seamstress that I also upah to jahit the other wedding dress, since she seems to do quite an excellent job on that other dress.
Kiranye dah ada la solution. All ends well I guess, as soon as I got my dress and probably brought it to dry clean a bit as ade lg kesan2 chalk kat baju. Ugh.
p/s: Obama dah jadi President. None of our concern eh?

at least ada baju! yippa!
Not Our Concern!? Not Our Concern!? Sbb Obama jadik president lah you're able to get your baju back! The World Is Changing! The Very Fabric Of Our Reality Is Skewing From Its Destructive Path! And The World That Once Was, Is Replaced By A Warm Fuzzy Existence Where Bunnies Hops, Lillies Bloom and People Return Wedding Dresses...
baju sudah ada
obama jadi president
Yey indeed!
Of course none of our concern. Historic ka? Unless because media focus so much at the US :P Freak coincidence
Shue and Dila:
Lega :) Bole continue to rant other thing!