Okay. I am a little woozy from gadding around town today... so maybe I am not making sense. So bear with me as I untangle my thoughts.
There are some people that are talking about gay rights. These are the issue that the Americans face nowadays because of the Prop 8 thingies. Those who don't know, google je la ok. Malas nak explain.
Its hard for me to comment on the gay rights thingies and of course in Malaysia the issue is almost non existent. But if we would be asked like generally regarding the gay rights on how we view it, it would be kinda difficult. First of all, I am a person who believe that people should have the right to choose their own happiness and way of living as long as they do not harm others. However, I am also brought up as a Muslim where Islam prohibit same sex relationship.
I wondered if this question if being forwarded to me or you (my Muslim friends), by 2 different people of different faith, would your answer differs? Would you say, gay should have the right of marriage when you are being asked by 'omputih' who's a Christian or atheist. Or would you say, "die orang sume tu akan masuk neraka so tak peduli la ape die orang nak pon kat dunia" when you are asked by a strong practicing Muslim.
Do you 'filter' your answers by the person who asked them? There is no need for me to ask if you would need to ask yourselves the answer you believe in since I believe each of us have our own answers. But are we afraid if our answers would make us look like someone who do not believe in human right to happiness and also at the same time afraid if they would think Islam is not a tolerant religion. Or if we are afraid that people would labeled yourselves as a non believer in the holy commandments dictated by His messengers.
What my thought exactly on gay rights? Aku macam malas nak type since penat la ( Cewah... macam mengelak pulak). But that itself prolly should have a post on its own.
There are some people that are talking about gay rights. These are the issue that the Americans face nowadays because of the Prop 8 thingies. Those who don't know, google je la ok. Malas nak explain.
Its hard for me to comment on the gay rights thingies and of course in Malaysia the issue is almost non existent. But if we would be asked like generally regarding the gay rights on how we view it, it would be kinda difficult. First of all, I am a person who believe that people should have the right to choose their own happiness and way of living as long as they do not harm others. However, I am also brought up as a Muslim where Islam prohibit same sex relationship.
I wondered if this question if being forwarded to me or you (my Muslim friends), by 2 different people of different faith, would your answer differs? Would you say, gay should have the right of marriage when you are being asked by 'omputih' who's a Christian or atheist. Or would you say, "die orang sume tu akan masuk neraka so tak peduli la ape die orang nak pon kat dunia" when you are asked by a strong practicing Muslim.
Do you 'filter' your answers by the person who asked them? There is no need for me to ask if you would need to ask yourselves the answer you believe in since I believe each of us have our own answers. But are we afraid if our answers would make us look like someone who do not believe in human right to happiness and also at the same time afraid if they would think Islam is not a tolerant religion. Or if we are afraid that people would labeled yourselves as a non believer in the holy commandments dictated by His messengers.
What my thought exactly on gay rights? Aku macam malas nak type since penat la ( Cewah... macam mengelak pulak). But that itself prolly should have a post on its own.